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Updated: July 31, 2024

Then for the first time fear entered the heart of Mardonius, son of Gobryas, and he called to the thousand picked horsemen, who rode beside him,—not Tartars these, but Persians and Medes of lordly stock, men who had gone forth conquering and to conquer. “Now as your fathers followed Cyrus the Invincible and Darius the Dauntless, follow you me.

Now each book being divided into ten questions, that shall make the first in this, which Socratial Xenophon hath as it were proposed; for he tells that, Gobryas banqueting with Cyrus, amongst other things he found admirable in the Persians, was surprised to hear them ask one another such questions that it was more pleasant to be interrogated than to be let alone, and pass such jests on one another that it was more pleasant to be jested on than not.

"I can not see," said Darius, "and I am afraid of wounding you." "No matter," said Gobryas, struggling desperately all the time with his frantic victim. "Strike quick, if you kill us both." Darius struck. Gobryas loosened his hold, and the magian fell upon the floor, and there, stabbed again through the heart by Darius's sword, almost immediately ceased to breathe.

If they answer no, it is a sign that they do not love us, and whoever does not love us, must be our enemy." "That won't do," cried Zopyrus. "We must have war at any price." "I vote for Croesus," said Gobryas. "And I too," said the noble Artabazus. "We are for Hystaspes," shouted the warrior Araspes, the old Intaphernes, and some more of Cyrus's old companions-in-arms.

At the right hand of the throne stood Hystaspes, Darius's grey-haired father, Gobryas, his future father-in-law, the aged Intaphernes, the grandfather of that Phaedime whose place in the king's favor had been given to Nitetis, Oropastes the high-priest, Croesus, and behind them Boges, the chief of the eunuchs.

The word of the king is not to be broken. Daughter of Gobryas, your petition is granted. Come hither, Mardonius,”—the bow-bearer approached the throne,—“you have heard the bold desire of your sister, and my answer. I must command you to bestow on her a husband.” The bow-bearer bowed obediently. “I hear the word of the king, and all his mandates are good.

Bartja sat at the king's right hand, and after him Croesus, Hystaspes, Gobryas, Araspes, and others of the Achaemenidae, according to their rank and age. Of the concubines, the greater number sat at the foot of the table; some stood opposite to Cambyses, and enlivened the banquet by songs and music.

At last he said, rising at the same time from his throne: "We will take counsel on this matter over the wine to-night, and to-morrow you shall hear what answer you can bring to your people. Gobryas, see that these men are well cared for, and send the Massagetan, who wounded me in battle, a portion of the best dishes from my own table."

Otanes and the six nobles. Arrival of Darius. Secret consultations. Various opinions. Views of Darius. Apology for a falsehood. Opinion of Gobryas. Uneasiness of the magi. Situation of Prexaspes. Measures of the magi. An assembly of the people. Decision of Prexaspes. His speech from the tower. Death of Prexaspes. The conspirators. The omen. The conspirators enter the palace. Combat with the magi.

And you, Artabazus, to your rear-guard, and do your duty well.” The general bowed stiffly. He knew the son of Gobryas, and that disobedience would have brought Mardonius’s cimeter upon his own helmet. By a great effort the charge was stayed,—barely in time,—for to have flung that disorganized horde on the waiting Spartan spears would have been worse than madness.

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