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Updated: July 31, 2024

Tell them, Gobryas, that an armed host is standing on the Median plains ready to answer their demands with the sword." Gobryas answered, bowing low: "These men arrived this morning during the sacrifice bringing huge burdens of the purest gold to purchase your forbearance.

Gaumata fled into another apartment and tried to bar the door, but was followed too soon by Darius and Gobryas; the latter seized, threw him, and kept him down by the weight of his own body, crying to Darius, who was afraid of making a false stroke in the half-light, and so wounding his companion instead of Gaumata, "Strike boldly, even if you should stab us both."

They will give you fair battle. I barely escaped.” “Who betrayed you?” cried the Prince. “Glaucon the Alcmæonid, he is risen from the dead. Ai! woe! no fault of mine.” Never before had the son of Gobryas smiled so fiercely as when the giant cowered beneath his darting eyes. The general’s sword whistled down on the skull of the traitor. The Laconian sprawled in the dust without a groan.

Is not Gobryas' little daughter the noblest of all the young Persian girls after Atossa? and isn't she beautiful?" "Artystone has every talent and quality that a daughter of the Achaemenidae ought to possess," was Darius's answer, but his brow did not clear as he said the words. "Well, if you want more than that, you must be very hard to please."

Tell them, Gobryas, that an armed host is standing on the Median plains ready to answer their demands with the sword." Gobryas answered, bowing low: "These men arrived this morning during the sacrifice bringing huge burdens of the purest gold to purchase your forbearance.

"He is my guest and companion, once for all; call him and follow us." Gobryas bowed, dashed back to the palace, and in half an hour reappeared among the royal retinue with Phanes.

I am curious to know what proposals my father's murderers are about to make me." Gobryas made a sign, and the tallest and eldest of the Massagetae came up close to the throne and began to speak loudly in his native tongue.

The Babylonian army moved northward to meet him, but was utterly defeated and dispersed at Opis in the beginning of Tammuz, or June, and a few days later Sippara surrendered to the conqueror. Gobryas, the governor of Kurdistan, was then sent to Babylon, which also opened its gates "without fighting," and Nabonidos, who had concealed himself, was taken prisoner.

The names are: Otanes, Intaphernes, Gobryas, Megabyzus, Aspatines, Hydarnes and Darius Hystaspis. Before the messenger returned, the greater part of the army had dispersed, the soldiers seizing this favorable opportunity to return to their homes and families, after so many years of absence.

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