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"Why do you ask?" said the artist, looking quickly up. "'Cause I wants to know." The artist smiled. "My last meal was eaten yesterday morning." "Ha! I was sure ob dat," cried Gibault; "your face look like as if you be full ob starvation." "An' wot did ye eat last?" inquired Bounce, laying down his pipe and looking at their guest with much interest not unmingled with pity.

I'll give you a good wage and plenty to do." "Thanks; you are kind," replied March, smiling, "but I love freedom too well to part with it yet awhile." "Mais, monsieur," cried Gibault, pushing forward, pulling off his cap, and making a low bow; "if you vants yonger blod, an' also ver' goot blod, here am von!"

As for Gibault, he declared that he meant to give up cooking his victuals from that time forward, and eat them raw. The others seemed practically to have come to the same conclusion, for certain it is that the breakfast, when devoured on that first Monday morning, was decidedly underdone to use a mild expression!

General Jackson was a boy at the Waxhaws and dug his toes in the red mud. He was a man at Jonesboro, and tradition says that he fought with a fence-rail. Sevier was captured as narrated. Monsieur Gratiot, Monsieur Vigo, and Father Gibault lost the money which they gave to Clark and their country.

"Thanks, thanks to the Almighty," said Bertram earnestly, when his bonds were cut. "I had thought that my days were numbered; that it was to be my sad fate to fill a grave here in the wilderness. But His hand is indeed mighty to save. And thanks be to you, good Gibault. Under God, we owe our lives to you."

Nor was the task assumed a hard one, as Father Gibault probably well knew before he undertook it.

"Mais, it be new to see hims fut so big, you oogly Yankee," cried Gibault, putting Waller's cap over his eyes, and running into the bush to avoid the consequences. At that moment a deer emerged from the bushes, about fifty yards from the spot on which the trappers rested, and, plunging into the river, made for the opposite bank.

"By that answer," said he, "your Excellency has made for your government loyal citizens in Kaskaskia." Then the Colonel stepped up to the priest and took him likewise by the hand. "I have arranged for a house in town," said he. "Monsieur Rocheblave has refused to dine with me there. Will you do me that honor, Father?" "With all my heart, your Excellency," said Father Gibault.

Run, Gibault, fetch a drop o' water. The horse that brained this here redskin, by good luck, only stunned March." "Ah! mon pauvre enfant!" cried Gibault as he ran to obey. The water quickly restored March, and in a few minutes he was able to sit up and call to remembrance what had passed. Ere his scattered faculties were quite recovered, the fur-traders returned, with Macgregor at their head.

A few of the leading men of Vincennes, presided over by Gaspard Roussillon, held a consultation at the river house, and it was agreed that a mass meeting should be called bringing all of the inhabitants together in the church for the purpose of considering the course to be taken under the circumstances made known by Father Gibault.