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Interpreters: Pierre St. Our observations place Fort Providence in latitude 62 degrees 17 minutes 19 seconds North, longitude 114 degrees 9 minutes 28 seconds West; the variation of the compass is 33 degrees 35 minutes 55 seconds East and the dip of the needle 86 degrees 38 minutes 02 seconds. It is distant from Moose-Deer Island sixty-six geographic miles.

The residence, pursuits, successes, and failures of men are the things that give the geographic data their reason for inclusion in the material of instruction. But to hold the two together requires an informed and cultivated imagination. When the ties are broken, geography presents itself as that hodge-podge of unrelated fragments too often found.

But beyond this we must see the earlier historic, the simpler geographic origins of the French courtyard house as a defensible farmyard, of which the ample space was needed nightly for defence against wild beasts, if not also wilder men, against whom the concierge is not only the antique porter but the primitive sentinel.

Gardiner Hubbard withdrew from business and devoted the last years of his life to the National Geographic Society. Thomas Watson, after retiring from the telephone business, bought a ship-building yard near Boston, which has been successful. In making this settlement with the Western Union, the Bell interests not only eliminated a competitor but gained great material advantages.

Journal of Washington Academy of Sciences, VI, No. 4, 86-90, 1916. Agriculture and Native Vegetation in Peru. Ibid., VI, No. 10, 284-293, 1916. Illus. Staircase Farms of the Ancients. National Geographic Magazine, XXIX, 474-534, May, 1916. Illus. Foot-Plow Agriculture in Peru. Smithsonian Report for 1918, 487-491. 4 pl. Domestication of Animals in Peru.

Such forms often occur in the wild state and seem to have a geographic distribution as narrowly circumscribed as in the case of many small species. Those of the labiates chiefly belong to southern Europe and are unknown at least in some parts of the other countries. On the contrary terminal pelories of Scrophularia nodosa are met with from time to time in Holland.

A strictly geographic apportionment was not deemed wise, from the fact that an unscientific division of labor would result, and the same classes of problems would to a large extent be relegated to the several corps operating in field and in the laboratory.

It was ended by the faithful adherence of the party to the slavery system, to which it was bound both by geographic strength and the principles of individualism. The period was apparently long enough to allow the party to give the Union such a bias toward decentralisation that it could never recover its power and prestige.

So one may list: Infancy as the epoch of the thymus Childhood as the epoch of the pineal Adolescence as the epoch of the gonads Maturity as the epoch of whatever gland is left in control as the result of the life struggle. Senility as the epoch of general endocrine deficiency. Infancy as the epoch of the thymus explains why, in any given geographic locality, the babies look alike and act alike.

Recently, I submitted to the Congress my Administration's recommendations for the phased liberalization of restrictions on geographic expansion by commercial banks. Last year the Administration and financial regulatory agencies proposed legislation to permit the interstate acquisition of failing depository institutions.