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The sad muse loves night and death, and the pit. His Inferno is mesmeric. His spiritual world bears the same relation to the generosities and joys of truth, of which human souls have already made us cognizant, as a man's bad dreams bear to his ideal life.

Little generosities and selfishnesses display themselves more freely when commons are running short and shelter is scanty than they do amongst those who, in the phrase of Tennyson's northern farmer, "has coats to their backs, and takes their regular meals." One British gentlemen we had with us during the siege of Plevna was a perpetual source of joy to me.

I went to see Johnny Heinhold in the Last Chance, and I went to borrow money. And right here is another phase of John Barleycorn. Saloon-keepers are notoriously good fellows. On an average they perform vastly greater generosities than do business men. When I simply had to have ten dollars, desperate, with no place to turn, I went to Johnny Heinhold.

As a child she had been a fierce, wild little creature full of savage affections and generosities. She still retained more feminine ferocity than social usage permits her sex. It was not in her to welcome an enemy with smiles while she hated him in her soul. The best she could do was to hold herself to a brusque civility whenever she met Beaudry.

"Nice" women, however wronged, would never claim the kind of freedom he meant, and generous-minded men like himself were therefore in the heat of argument the more chivalrously ready to concede it to them. Such verbal generosities were in fact only a humbugging disguise of the inexorable conventions that tied things together and bound people down to the old pattern.

The bargain is about the child; the father is barred from it in every way." Zara did not answer, she had guessed this, but Mirko's welfare was of first importance. With strict economy Mimo could live upon what he possessed, if alone and if he chose to curtail his irresponsible generosities. "Do I understand I have your word of honor about this?" her uncle demanded.

It was some time before she was able to get free from the trammels of prejudice, but when she did, she did without reserve, saying: 'Evan, there is no man who would have done so much. These little exaltations and generosities bind lovers tightly. He accepted the credit she gave him, and at that we need not wonder.

Some wrenched down the doors; some clung to the heavy banquet-tables, to the sofas, to the billiard-tables: during one terrible instant, against fruitless heroisms, against futile generosities, raged all the frenzy of selfishness, all the brutalities of panic.

Juliana, with her fretfulness, her hand bounties, her petty egoisms, and sudden far-leaping generosities, and all the contradictory impulses of her malady, had now departed utterly. The joys of a landed proprietor mounted into the head of Sir Franks. He was up early the next morning, and he and Harry walked over a good bit of the ground before breakfast.

Oreille's lap all through the visit was the individual whose sufferings had been stirring the dormant generosities of her nature. She said: "Poor little creature! You might have lost him!" Mrs. O. "O pray don't mention it, Miss Hawkins it gives me such a turn!" Laura "And Hildebrand and Percy are they-are they like this one?" Mrs. G. "No, Hilly has considerable Skye blood in him, I believe." Mrs.