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Once we anchored close by that place for two or three days, and on that occasion I collected enough varieties of marble and mosaic from the old palaces to make some beautiful tables when we got home. In the afternoon and evening we made the Fratelli and the Sorelle Rocks, and still later the little Island of Galita.

I often wish I could understand them when they hum, and that they knew me. I wonder if either they or Diggory know that they belong to the order of Fratelli della Misericordia, and that I belong to it too? But of course it would not be right to ask them, even if either of them would answer me, for if we were "known, even to each other," we should not really and truly be Brothers of Pity.

But the funny part about it was the dress of the men. They were wrapped up in black cloaks, and had masks over their faces, and underneath the picture was written, "Fratelli della Misericordia" "Brothers of Pity."

That is all. It is simple and just." "Aye, it is simple; aye, it is just," said the old man; but he sucked his pipe-stem grimly: he had never seen these arguments prosper; and in his own youth he had cherished such mistakes himself, to his own hindrance. Had he not sung in those glorious days of hope and faith, "Fratelli d'Italia! L'Italia s'e desta!"

A youthful poet, descendant of the Doges of Genoa, Goffredo Mameli, whose 'Fratelli d'Italia' was the battle-hymn to which Italy marched, wrote these three words to Mazzini: 'Roma, Repubblica, Venite. So Mazzini came to Rome, which confided her destinies to him, as she had once confided them to the Brescian Arnold and to Cola di Rienzi.

One of the ships was the Riunione dei due Fratelli. I inquired whether the brothers had quarrelled and made it up. "Yes," said he, "that is the worst of family quarrels; they do not last." "What do you mean, Peppino? Surely it is better for brothers to be friends than to quarrel?"

Love is the child of illusion and the parent of disillusion; love is consolation in desolation; it is the sole medicine against death, for it is death's brother. Fratelli, a un tempo stesso, Amore e Morte Ingeneró la sorte, as Leopardi sang. Love seeks with fury, through the medium of the beloved, something beyond, and since it finds it not, it despairs.

There was fighting up the street of the village, and a struggle in the space where Rinaldo had fallen; successive yellowish shots under the rising moonlight, cries from Italian lips, quick words of command from German in Italian, and one sturdy bull's roar of a voice that called across the tumult to the Austro-Italian soldiery, "Venite fratelli! come, brothers, come under our banner!"

Shots rang from the outposts; the Tyrolese sprang to arms; "Sandra!" was shouted by Pericles; and once more she heard the 'Venite fratelli! of the bull's voice, and a stream of volunteers dashed at the Tyrolese with sword and dagger and bayonet. The Austro-Italians stood in a crescent line the ominous form of incipient military insubordination.

I looked at the back of the book, and it was called Religious Orders; so I said, "It's called Religious Orders, but the picture I'm looking at has got two men dressed in black, with their faces covered all but their eyes, and they are carrying another man with something blue over him." "Fratelli della Misericordia," said Godfather Gilpin. "Who are they, and what are they doing?" I asked.