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Absolute prostration was not the precise result he had hoped for, but it was the result, and it had the happy effect of calming the spirit of Grabantak and rendering him open to conviction. Fortunately the Flatlanders were on the look-out when the men of Poloe drew near.

It chanced at this time that the Flatlanders ran short of meat. Their habit was to go off on a grand hunt, gather as much meat as they could, and then come home to feast and rejoice with their families until scarcity again obliged them to hunt.

Will Grabantak allow us to be present at the council, think you?" "Ho yis. He send me to say you muss come." Leo was right. Nothing could surpass the impetuosity of Grabantak, except the anxiety of many of the Flatlanders to be led by the nose. Was not the point in question one of vital importance to the wellbeing of the community indeed of the whole Arctic world?

Although most of the people never saw this miserable island this Puiroe and know, and care, nothing about it, you'll see that the Flatlanders will be quite enthusiastic after the council, and ready to fight for it to the bitter end. A very bitter end it is, indeed, to see men and women make fools of themselves about nothing, and be ready to die for the same!

"Well, to keep it, if you will," continued the chief testily; "will not other tribes say that the old name of the Flatlanders is dead, that the war-spirit is gone, that they may come and attack us when they please; for we cannot defend our property, and they will try to make us slaves?

"We are unconquerable," he said, while conversing on the situation with Teyma, his first lieutenant, or prime minister; "everybody knows that we are invincible. It is well-known that neither white men, nor yellow men, no, nor black men, nor blue men, can overcome the Flatlanders. We must keep up our name.

If they had had the unhappiness to read the opening lines of "The Pleasures of Hope," they would assuredly have thought Master Campbell had gone funny and should be shut up lest he do himself an injury. The flatlanders who invaded the Cheat Mountain country had been suckled in another creed, and to them western Virginia there was, as yet, no West Virginia was an enchanted land.

"Yis, dat's de word," said the negro, increasing his grin for a moment and then collapsing into sudden solemnity; "we nebber fights 'cep' in self-defence oh no nebber!" "They come not to attack," said Chingatok quietly. "Flatlanders never come except in the night when men sleep. This is but one man." "Perhaps he brings news!" exclaimed Benjy, with a sudden blaze of hope.

A terrible frown and a shake of the official spear caused them to retire down the slope that led to the hut. This was the unaccountable "squall" that had first perplexed Leo and his comrade. But like tigers who have tasted blood, the Flatlanders could not now be restrained. "Go!" said the sentinel in a low stern voice to the retreating trespassers, whom he followed to the foot of the slope.

"Yes, it's him thank God! and I see Anders too, quite plainly, and Oblooria!" "Are they bound hand and foot?" demanded Amalatok, savagely. "No, they are as free as you are. And the Eskimos are unarmed, apparently." "Ha! that is their deceit," growled the chief. "The Flatlanders were always sly; but they shall not deceive us. Braves, get ready your spears!"