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The fissure from which the shortest of the four columns came was full of gnats, as were also several crevices in the walls of the cave, especially in the lowest part; and we found a number of large red-brown flies, nearly an inch long, running rapidly on the ice and stones, after the fashion of the flies with which trout love best to be taken.

Finally, the brown colour appears and rapidly covers the whole body; the change of colour is completed in half an hour. Fastening upon its chosen twig at nine o'clock in the morning, the Cigale flies away under my eyes at half-past twelve. The empty shell remains, intact except for the fissure in the back; clasping the twig so firmly that the winds of autumn do not always succeed in detaching it.

A crack started from the left-hand corner of the Captain's mouth, crossed a fissure in his face, stopped within half an inch of his stub nose, and died out in a smile of derision. "What I'm afraid of is neither here nor there. There's cattle aboard that is, there will be by to-morrow night; and there's a lot of passengers booked, some of 'em women and children.

Sexual excitement is one among many causes intellectual excitement, pain, a loud noise, even any sensory irritation which produce dilatation of the pupils and enlargement of the palpebral fissure, with some protrusion of the eyeball. The influence of the sexual system upon the eye appears to be far less potent in men than in women.

But a closer inspection revealed a slight fissure or crack, barely noticeable in the dark green wall-paper, extending an inch or so beyond a small picture suspended near the door of the room. When the picture was taken down the crack was more apparent, for it ran nearly the whole length of the space.

"It may be that the spalpeens mean to make a rush upon me," he muttered, as he halted near the end of the fissure, "in which case I shall have a delightful employment in cracking their pates as they come up and take their turn."

As they did so, headed by a figure in black, who wore a mask as did all the rest, a band of horsemen rode out of the fissure into the valley. One glance and we recognize Deadwood Dick, Prince of the Road, and his band of road-agents! Old General Nix was the first to discover the new invasion.

During the first few weeks she had suffered from a fissure, and even now her breast was sensitive; but she smiled, notwithstanding, with that peaceful look which mothers wear, happy in giving their milk as they would give their blood.

"Come on, Laura! where are you?" demanded Bobby. "Are you going to let us mere 'amachoors' beat you? Give us a limerick." Mother Wit was expected to keep up with the other wits, that was sure. So she obliged with: "'A smart young fisher named Fischer, Fished for fish from the edge of a fissure. A fish, with a grin, Pulled the fisherman in. Now they're fishing the fissure for Fischer.

M. Gampert, in the summer of 1823, found a strong and very cold current of air descending by this fissure, along with water which ran from it over the ice; he believed that this was refrigerated by evaporation, in passing through the thickness of the moist rock.