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They can't give fifty cents to one of the Antipodes, but they must have it jingled along through everybody's palms all the way, till it reaches him, and forty cents of it get spilt, like the water out of the fire-buckets passed along a "lane" at a fire; but, when it comes to anonymous defamation, putting lies into people's mouths, and then advertising those people through the country as the authors of them, oh, then it is that they let not their left hand know what their right hand doeth!

The postillion had ridden on the one on the driving side; he was a little punch fellow, and in a pair of boots like fire-buckets. The travellers consisted of an old French lady and gentleman; Madame in a high crimped cap, and stiff long whalebone stays.

Martin walked to a window which lighted the landing, and threw it widely open. Leaning out: "Wilkins!" he roared "Wilkins!" "Aye, aye, boss!" came faintly from somewhere below. "Tell him to stand by with fire-buckets, but not to leave the yard without orders from me," directed Gatton.

At the side of the stage was a screen with long leather fire-buckets and a pole-ax hanging upon it, and behind it was a door through which Nick saw the river and the gray walls of the old Dominican friary. As he came down to it, some one thrust out a staff and barred the way. It was the bandy-legged man with the ribbon in his ear, Nick looked out longingly; it seemed so near!

I have seen on a scorching hot day men wrapped in long woolen coats, doubled over the breast and securely fastened around the waist, and great boots, capacious enough and thick enough for fire-buckets, in which they were half buried, strolling lazily along in the sun, as if they absolutely enjoyed its warmth; and yet these very articles of clothing, with but little addition, must have borne the piercing winds of midwinter.

Fire-hose old and rotten couldn't stand a hundred- pound pressure; fire-buckets and water-barrels empty, axes not in their proper places, fire-extinguishers filled with stale chemical why, the smallest kind of a fire here would get beyond our control with that man on the job. Besides, he's changed the grading-rules.

The little man was standing as erect as an arrow, his eyes calm and clear, and his lower jaw projecting as usual; and as if conscious that he was the chief of the house, he said, "A fire has broken out in the building-yard. You, Morten, go and get the two engines from the warehouse. The keys are hanging in the men's bedroom. Take the fire-buckets with you." Morten dashed off.

Look at the green ledgers with red backs, like strong cricket-balls beaten flat; the court-guides directories, day-books, almanacks, letter-boxes, weighing-machines for letters, rows of fire-buckets for dashing out a conflagration in its first spark, and saving the immense wealth in notes and bonds belonging to the company; look at the iron safes, the clock, the office seal in its capacious self, security for anything.

At any moment I could give the signal, and then, whatever you were doing playing, working, eating, or on cold frosty nights, just when you were going to bed, off you would have to rush, and get out your fire-buckets. Sometimes you might have to break the ice, but there's nothing like being prepared. We might have the first rehearsal to-night "

They can't give fifty cents to one of the Antipodes, but they must have it jingled along through everybody's palms all the way, till it reaches him, and forty cents of it gets spilt, like the water out of the fire-buckets passed along a "lane" at a fire; but when it comes to anonymous defamation, putting lies into people's mouths, and then advertising those people through the country as the authors of them, oh, then it is that they let not their left hand know what their right hand doeth!