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They said: "The bonnet rouge!-that's Monseigneur; 'quarante onces! that's Cinq-Mars; 'tout finira! that's De Thou. What a providential incident! His Eminence reigns over the future as over the present."

Quand bonnet rouge passera par la fenetre, A quarante onces on coupera tete, Et tout finira." "There is a traitor among us, gentlemen," he said, throwing away the paper. "But no matter. We are not men to be frightened by his sanguinary jests." "We must find the traitor out, and throw him through the window," said the young men. Still, a disagreeable sensation had come over the assembly.

"Mais mais de grace! ca ne finira jamais jamais, s'il faut repondre a tes sottises, Marie. Recommencons." Mademoiselle, golden top-knot shining and shaking, blue eyes rolling between black lashes. "De ta tige detachee, Pauvre feuille dessechee" Detachee dessechee. They didn't rhyme. Their not rhyming irritated her distress.

They said: "The bonnet rouge!-that's Monseigneur; 'quarante onces! that's Cinq-Mars; 'tout finira! that's De Thou. What a providential incident! His Eminence reigns over the future as over the present."

They said: "The bonnet rouge!-that's Monseigneur; 'quarante onces! that's Cinq- Mars; 'tout finira! that's De Thou. What a providential incident! His Eminence reigns over the future as over the present."

"Ask him, some of you," he said, turning to Brace and Crosby, "when this d d farce will be over, and where we can find the head man the boss idiot of this foolery." "Let him put it milder," whispered Winslow. "You got us into trouble enough with your tongue already." Crosby hesitated a moment. "Quand finira ce drole representation? et et qui est ce qui est l'entrepreneur?" he said dubiously.

"'Your parole, Monsieur! "'Peste! I forgot, said M. Benest, half to himself. "'Forgot? Forgot your parole? Mais ecoutez donc! Nous savons souffrir, nous autres franfaises . . . Et la petite qui meurt et et moi qui mourrai Presqu' a l'heure mais nous nous en tenons a' ne pas dishonorer la Patrie a la fin. Ca finira bien, sous-officier allez- vous allez-vous en. Mais allez!

They must also hear us vaunt the superiority of our own land in unpleasant comparisons, and I do not think they believe us, or like us, for our boastings. I am sure they would say to us, if they could, "Quando finira mai quella guerra?

Quand bonnet rouge passera par la fenetre, A quarante onces on coupera tete, Et tout finira." "There is a traitor among us, gentlemen," he said, throwing away the paper. "But no matter. We are not men to be frightened by his sanguinary jests." "We must find the traitor out, and throw him through the window," said the young men. Still, a disagreeable sensation had come over the assembly.

Quand bonnet rouge passera par la fenetre, A quarante onces on coupera tete, Et tout finira." "There is a traitor among us, gentlemen," he said, throwing away the paper. "But no matter. We are not men to be frightened by his sanguinary jests." "We must find the traitor out, and throw him through the window," said the young men. Still, a disagreeable sensation had come over the assembly.