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Modest Mignons are not rare in our ville, and the Gothic vaults of Saint-Léonard and the pillared aisles of Sainte-Cathérine witness almost as many little intrigues, as many heart-beats and blushes, as does "evenin' meetin'" in our own bucolic regions. Désirée, our femme-de-chambre, before she came to us, lived in a wealthy roturier family.

Mademoiselle de Piolant, femme-de-chambre to the royal children. Sully, Mém. vol. vi. pp. 151-161. Bassompierre, Mém. p. 45. Madame Christine de France, who subsequently became Duchess of Savoy. L'Etoile, vol. iii. p. 36; Mémoires, p. 46.

In my room I chanced to find a femme-de-chambre. To her I put a question or two as to the gentry of the neighborhood. She rattled me off a few distinguished names, and ended: "The duke of Saint-Maclou has also a small château." "Is he there now?" I asked. "The duchess only, sir," she answered. "Ah, they tell wonderful stories of her!" "Do they? Pray, of what kind?"

I know no one but Dubois whom I could trust to procure a good femme-de-chambre; only I do not want him to learn from her what you might not wish him to know." "That will not be the case, for I will take another maid as soon as I am in France."

I know not whether he had his information from your femme-de-chambre, but I am very certain that he has sworn he will be revenged, and he is a man that keeps his word; for after all, that you may not be deceived by his look, like that of a Stoic, and his gravity, like that of a judge, I must acquaint you, that he is the most passionate man living.

The feelings of these two young people being thus from the first removed from the region of doubt and conjecture, what few slight obstacles contrive to separate them for a time carry little weight with the reader. There is a dearth of incident which the side-play of the coquettish maid, Nathalie's femme-de-chambre, fails to relieve.

One of my kind companions offered to cross the frontier with me, as my femme-de-chambre, and to help me in obtaining access to the prison of Toussaint; an offer I was very thankful to accept. At Payerne, we separated ourselves and a very small portion of luggage from our party, whom we promised to overtake at Lausanne in two or three days.

My femme-de-chambre undrew my curtains this morning, "with such a face so faint, so spiritless, so dull, so dead in look, so woe-begone" proclaiming that barricades had been erected during the night, and that the bodies of those killed in the encounter yesterday have been paraded through the streets in order to excite still more the angry feelings of the people.

She lives much in the femme-de-chambre style; and, indeed, loves this society better than that of persons of birth. The ladies are often a week together without seeing her; for without being summoned they cannot approach her. She does not know how to live as the wife of a prince should, having been educated like the daughter of a citizen.

The tireless femme-de-chambre set down a tray with coffee cups on the table. Doña Rita continued leaning on her elbow, her lips closed in a reposeful expression of peculiar sweetness. There was nothing drooping in her attitude.