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He desired nothing of her for himself, and only wished her to to cease to be what she was now, and become what she had been before. "Katiousha, why do you speak thus? I know you, I remember you as you were in Panoff " But she did not yield she would not yield. "Why recall the past!" she said dryly, frowning even more. "Because I wish to efface, to expiate my sin.

But a fierce speech of Horoeka's presently told the painfully interested eavesdropper that nothing less than death, attended by heathenish and gruesome ceremonies, would expiate the boy's outrage on the tapu-tree, in the tohunga's opinion.

Whatever sacrifice may be necessary on my part to make you happy, be so at any cost, and I shall be content. We have faults to weep over and to expiate, but no crimes; let us not blot out by the imprudence of our closing days the sweetness and purity of those we have passed together."

By some means or other, the entire country around for five or six leagues knew that the son of Martin Ker, the tenant of the abbey, had become a man-wolf, and that he was doomed to expiate his crime in the spot haunted by the phantoms, the Great Basin of the Pagans, between the tower and the Druid stones.

I was quite overcome, and, bending down, pronounced this vow: "Beautiful lips, which the angels guard, never will I seek to profane your purity with a kiss." And yet, my friend, oh, I wish but my heart is darkened by doubt and indecision could I but taste felicity, and then die to expiate the sin! What sin?

Nothing but death could expiate such an outrage!" And forthwith they proved as much to the poor ass. Accordingly as your power is great or small, the judgments of a court will whiten or blacken your reputation.

That dull rumbling of hostility and spite, the cause of which he could not divine, must forebode some coming catastrophe before whose approach he already stooped, with the shame of one who knows there is a transgression that he must expiate.

I shall think of it as a great treason, and I stand convicted before the Good Master; and though it proceeded from my ignorance, I shall never expiate it with tears." Just as every variation of habit, of fashion is noticeable to those who live outside themselves, so the changes and complexities in the life of the soul are perceived by them who live within themselves.

I propose to put myself under discipline in order to expiate my extravagance. So soon as my cure is entirely finished I will set out for Paris, where I will do penance." "What kind of penance?" asked M. Moriaz. "Paris is not a hermitage." "Nor is it my intention to live there as a hermit," was the reply, given with perfect simplicity. "I go to give lessons in music and in the languages."

"My repentance was deep and sincere; and after a while, under another name, I joined the army of the crusaders, to expiate my sin by warring for the holy sepulchre. I fought as men fight who have no wish to live; but while all around me fell by sword and disease, death kept aloof from me.