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Updated: August 18, 2024

Then wonder not if I no better sped, Since I the Muses thus have injured. I pensive for my fault, sate down, and then Errata through their leave, threw me my pen, My Poem to conclude, two lines they deign Which writ, she bad return't to them again; So Sidneys fame I leave to Englands Rolls, His bones do lie interr'd in stately Pauls.

Delectus verborum for Placing of words, was his mistake too; though the author forgot to tell him of it. Yet, since he has given the Errata, I wish he would have enlarged them only a few sheets more; and then he would have spared me the labour of an answer. I shall return, therefore, to that quotation of SENECA; and answer not to what he writes, but to what he means.

Another edition, known as the Pearl Bible, appeared about the same time, filled with errata, a single specimen of which will suffice: "Know ye not the ungodly shall inherit the kingdom of God?"

The work was therefore so imperfectly done that the cardinal himself was reluctant to publish it; and the learned and honest Barnabite under whose editorial auspices it appeared was obliged to append a formidable list of errata, and to make a gentle apology in his preface for his friend's inaccuracies.

The list of errata again, committed by Lamb, was probably of a magnitude to alarm any possible compositor; and yet these errata will never be known to mankind. They are dead and buried. They have been cut off prematurely; and for any effect upon their generation, might as well never have existed. Then the returns, in a pecuniary sense, from these folios how important were they!

It is a drama, with characters and mechanism of a kind yet unattempted; and I think the execution is better than any of my former attempts. I may mention, for the information of the more critical reader, that the verbal alterations in this edition of "Prometheus" are made from a list of errata written by Shelley himself.

At first I thought of forwarding you a list of errata, but considered, on reflection, that such corrections are never read in context with the article, and therefore made up my mind to send a revised version to Zellner at Vienna, asking him to print it at once in his paper.

As, according to Humboldt, fewer plants are social in the tropical than in the temperate regions, the flowers in the former would not make so great a show. In your note you speak of observing some inelegancies of style. I notice none. All is as clear as daylight. I have detected two or three errata. In Vol. I. you write londiacus: is this not an error? Vol.

Weber should travel through such a volume as we have just passed, in quest of errata, and find only one. We could be well content to rest here; but we have a more serious charge to bring against the editor, than the omission of points, or the misapprehension of words.

T hates me so do most people. I regret to say my copy of his Modern Egyptians has been lost or stolen, and with it are gone the lists of his errata I had drawn up many years ago. Of course I don't know Arabic, but who does? One may know a part of it, a corner of the field, but all! Bah! The remarks are those of a scholar and a translator."

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