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Updated: August 20, 2024

In about half an hour the cardinal returned with a paper, covered with erasures, and alterations, and blottings, as confused and unsatisfactory as his verbal statements had been. An officer was then summoned into the royal presence, and commanded to take the cardinal into custody and conduct him to the Bastile. He was, however, permitted to visit his home.

But his thought was tumultuous, words refused to come in proper order and sequence; and Julius abhorred that erasures should mar the symmetry of his pages. Impatiently he pushed the diary from him. Clearly it, like the City of God, was destined to wait. The guests had departed. He had heard the distant calling of voices in friendly farewell, the rumble of departing wheels.

He acknowledged, very modestly, that he had made certain alterations in the letter received from me, by erasures, &c., and then swore it to be a true copy. He has not yet acknowledged the substitution of names." "October 9, 1807.

"You have," said I in a half- joking way, "reconciled Frenchmen to God now reconcile them to each other. There have never been any real emigrants, only absentees; and the proof of this is, that erasures from the list have always been, and will always be, made daily." He immediately seized the idea.

Whilst almost sinking beneath my load, I received a letter from one whom, with his bride, I had been brought into Christian fellowship with in the early days of rescue experience. The missive had followed me from one place to another until only the last address could be plainly deciphered, owing to numerous erasures. Other letters had often miscarried and failed to reach me.

A sheet of paper, written, interlined, blotted with erasures, flew out. He laid a quick hand upon it; not so quick, however, but that Bessie had caught sight of verses verses of his own, too. She entreated him to read them. He excused himself. "Do, Harry; please do," she urged, but he was inexorable.

He unearthed two piles of manuscript, one typed, the other written, both scored with erasures, with almost illegible corrections and insertions. "It's in a terrible mess," he said. She saw what her work would be: to cut a way through the jungle, to make clearings. "If I were to type it all over again, you'd have a clean copy to work on when you were ready." "If you would be so good.

It is all in pencil, with changes and erasures here and there. Listen: Roger put down the book and stared fixedly at the fire. Barbara's face was very pale and the light had gone from her eyes. "Roger," she said, in a strange tone, "Constance was my mother's name. Do you think " He was startled, for his thought had not gone so far as her intuition. "I do not know," he said.

Ricardo as though there were no one else in the room. "I can't think why they didn't take it, sir. It's fine stuff. A shade too long for a magazine article. It may have been that, of course." But Mr. Ricardo bent down and began to gather up his manuscript. The paper was of all kinds and sizes, covered with crabbed writing and fierce erasures.

'tis your business, Sir, not mine, to find him out! And so my cousin despatched it to my head-quarters in town, where from the table it looked up in my face, with a broad red seal, and a countenance scarred and marred all over with various post-marks, erasures, and transverse directions, the scars and furrows of disappointment and adventure. It had not a good countenance, somehow.

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