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There was an instant rush from all the children, and the envelope was torn open in the twinkling of an eye. Inside was a little ivory seal with "Elsie" on it in old English letters, and these rhymes: "I know a little girl, She is very dear to me, She is just as sweet as honey When she chooses so to be, And her name begins with E, and ends with E.

She had stirred him and he was glad of the meeting glad he had entered her employment. He placed the roll of money in his pocket, then looked across his desk at the clean, white letter which the postman had recently delivered. He took it up, paused again to wonder at the meaning of what had occurred, then tore the envelope and drew forth the contents.

The young detective at once tore open the envelope and read: "Monsieur Lecoq " "Monsieur?" This simple formula of politeness brought a faint smile to his lips. Was it not, on Father Absinthe's part, an evident recognition of his colleague's superiority.

I must be off. Adela was making haste to Teach the Manor, that she might read Stella's letter She and her husband were to dine this evening with the Walthams a farewell meal. With difficulty she escaped from her mother and Letty; Stella's letter demanded a quarter of an hour of solitude. She reached her room, and broke the envelope.

Was thinking of it all the day at the office. Just as we sat down at the table we were annoyed by Gowing entering without knocking. He said: "I am not going to stop, but I have brought with me a sealed envelope, which I know I can trust with Mrs. Pooter. In that sealed envelope is a strip of paper on which I have asked a simple question.

These contents are now gradually forming themselves into the spore or "gonidium," as Carpenter calls it, in distinction from the true sexual spores, which he terms "oospores." In a less noticeable degree, this is also the case in the other parts of the circumference of the cell, and, apparently, the granular contents have secreted a separate envelope entirely distinct from the parent filament.

"Ellen, we've got a letter from John," he said. That Simeon Holly spoke of it at all showed how very far along HIS unfamiliar way he had come since the last letter from John had arrived. "From John? Oh, Simeon! From John?" "Yes." Simeon sat down and tried to hide the shaking of his hand as he ran the point of his knife under the flap of the envelope. "We'll see what he says."

"And that is all you can tell us, either of her letter or her mysterious death?" "All, sir." Mr. Gryce straightened himself up. "Mrs. Belden," said he, "you know Mr. Clavering's handwriting when you see it?" "I do." "And Miss Leavenworth's?" "Yes, sir." "Now, which of the two was upon the envelope of the letter you gave Hannah?" "I couldn't say.

"This letter came to you when did you say, Mr. Mallowe?" "When Pennington Lawton and his daughter were at The Breakers at Long Bay, about two years ago last August, as nearly as I can remember." "If you still had the envelope, we could obtain the exact date from the postmark," Ramon suggested significantly. "The letter I see is only headed 'Saturday."

And, drawing it from its envelope, Phoebe showed first the signature, 'John Fenwick, and then pointed to the address on the envelope 'Mrs. John Fenwick, Green Nab Cottage, Great Langdale. 'Well, I never! said Mrs.