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Updated: August 5, 2024

Henley placed his shoulder against the door, and to his amazement found that it opened quite easily. He then procured a light, and having satisfied himself that there had never been the slightest intention to entrap him, the door having simply fallen, he went hurriedly to bed.

A glance, a word, a motion, suffices: by some such acute exercise of her feminine senses the signora was aware that Mr Arabin loved Eleanor Bold; and therefore, by a further exercise of her peculiar feminine propensities, it was quite natural for her to entrap Mr Arabin into her net.

They were talking in a whisper, to one another, and I could not hear what they said." One was young, and the other quite old. Marguerite's aching heart almost stopped beating as she listened: was the young one Armand? her brother? and the old one de Tournay were they the two fugitives who, unconsciously, were used as a decoy, to entrap their fearless and noble rescuer.

You wish to give another direction to our quarrel, and my innocent nose is to be the BETE DE SOUFFRANCE. But you shall not entrap me in this manner, prince; and you, my dear Baron Arnstein, can you allow us to continue the quarrel which we commenced about your lady, now about my nose, and to conceal, as it were, the fair Baroness Arnstein behind it?"

Amid this crowd was a "sheep" one of those vile spies who acted the part of pretending to be a fellow-prisoner of the rest in order that he might entrap them into unguarded expressions and denounce them. The Sans-culottes commissioners were selecting their daily list of victims at random. In doing so they seized the "sheep."

They need to have something that will help them in their spiritual and new life and which may be instrumental in preserving them from temptations, snares and pitfalls, laid to entrap them by the enemy of their souls. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of."

"I do not pretend to be very wise," said Jason; "but ask me what you please and I will answer to the best of my ability." Now King Pelias meant cunningly to entrap the young man and to make him say something that should be the cause of mischief and destruction to himself.

In this sweet still hour, just at the dewfall, the rush of whirring wings may be heard from the islands, or in the forest, bordering on the water's edge; and out of hollow logs and hoary trunks of trees come forth the speckled night-hawks, cutting the air with their thin sharp wide wings, and open beak, ready to entrap the unwary moth, or moskitoe, that float so joyously upon the evening air.

Thus the hair-sputters at Brussels spinning a web that should be stout enough to entrap the noisy, blundering republicans at the Hague, yet so delicate as to go through the finest dialectical needle. Time was to show whether subtilty or bluntness was the best diplomatic material. The monk brought with him three separate instruments or powers, to be used according to his discretion.

The Reverend John Hayley and his beautiful Clara were as proud as the baronet, and extremely indignant that it should be thought either of them wished to entrap or delude Arthur Kingston into an unequal or ineligible marriage. This feeling of pride and resentment aided the success of Mr.

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