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Updated: August 7, 2024

And it is not only a mistaken interpretation: it is a clumsy pitfall in which novices allow themselves to be caught. Novices, did I say? The greatest experts themselves fall into the trap. One of our masters of entomology did me the honour to visit my laboratory. I was showing my collection of parasites. One of them, clad in black and yellow, attracted his attention.

Entomology was a cleaner science than ichthyology, but the example of the Professor, who had unhesitatingly plunged to the bottom of the jar to produce the fish, was infectious; and though this alcohol had 'a very ancient and fishlike smell, I really dared not show any aversion within these sacred precincts, and treated the alcohol as though it were pure water.

Blue, red, and yellow are the pragmatic colours, said Ada, with a most triumphant air. 'Now are not they, Maurice? said she, turning to her brother, who was, as usual, deep in entomology. 'Pragmatic, you foolish child, said he. 'Prismatic you mean. I am glad you remember what I tell you, however; I think I might teach you some science in time.

When Cousin Benedict returned from some scientific promenade his precious head-covering in particular was no more than a box of natural history, being bristling inside and outside with pierced insects. And now all will be told about this original when it is stated, that it was on account of his passion for entomology that he had accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Weldon to New Zealand.

"Now, perhaps, he will be able to publish his poor dear entomology, that the booksellers were all so unkind, so unfeeling about." I linger on the brink of painful scenes to observe that a sweet and loving friendship, such as this was between the good doctor and three persons of another sex, is one of the best treasures of the human heart.

Dennis was wondering that, too. It seemed absurd to suspect the things of being intelligent enough to lay traps. He gave it up. Sufficient for the moment that they were unmolested, and that he had a chance at first hand to make observations more complete than the world of entomology had ever dreamed of.

There are entomologists, who may be seen with a rude-looking net, ready to catch any winged insect, or a kind of dredge, with which they rake the green and slimy pools; practical, shrewd, hard-working men, who pore over every new specimen with real scientific delight. Nor is it the common and more obvious divisions of Entomology and Botany that alone attract these earnest seekers after knowledge.

"F.M. Howard, of Beeville, Texas, wrote to the U.S. Bureau of Entomology, that the bob whites shot in his vicinity had their crops filled with the weevils. Another farmer reported his cotton fields full of quail, and an entire absence of weevils."

It would be diplomatically agreed that French should be the language of the kitchen, as Latin has been adopted by the scientific for botany and entomology, unless it were desired to imitate them in that, too, and thus really have kitchen Latin.

But of late we have seen that entomology "bug-hunting" as it is scornfully termed is a science upon which hang not only the revenue of an Empire, but also the lives of millions of men.

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