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Updated: August 25, 2024

"You muz egscuse my i'ony, Mistoo Itchlin; I can't 'ep that sometime'. It come natu'al to me, in fact. I was on'y speaking i'oniously juz now in calling allusion to that dust; because, of co'se, theh is no dust to-day, because the g'ound is all covvud with watah, in fact. Some people don't understand that figgah of i'ony."

Indignation, wrath, self-hatred, dismay, in undefined confusion, usurped the faculties of sight and hearing and motion. "Mistoo Itchlin," said Narcisse, "I 'ope you fine you'seff O.K., seh, if you'll egscuse the slang expwession." Richling started to move away, but checked himself. "I'm well, sir, thank you, sir; yes, sir, I'm very well." "I billieve you, seh. You ah lookin' well."

Summons us. Dot shall pe mine egscuse. I shall show him der chudgment." Mme. Cibot went down to the court, and that very day at seven o'clock she called to Schmucke. Schmucke found himself confronted with M. Tabareau the bailiff, who called upon him to pay.

Chezter, if you'll egscuse me till I can change the coat I'll show you those new quarter'. Whiles I'm changing you can look ad that book of pattern', and also here there's a pigtorial of New York; that tha'z of my son and the son of my neighbor up-stair', De l'Isle, ric'iving medal' from Général Joffre " "Why, Mr. Beloiseau can it be!" "But you know, Mrs.

Aline a note from De l'Isle sol-iciting if she and Mélanie will go at matinée with him and Dubroca. And when mademoiselle bigin to make egscuse' Mélanie implore' her to go, biccause Mme. Alexandre say no Creole girl cann' go juz' with one man, or even with two. 'And mamma she's right, Mélanie say with tear', 'even in that Am'erican way they got a limit, and same time I'm perishing to go!

Speakin' of close, Mistoo Itchlin, egscuse me if 'tis a fair question, w'at was yo' objec' in buyin' that tawpaulin hat an' jacket lass week ad that sto' on the levee? You din know I saw you, but I juz 'appen to see you, in fact." Sevier's step was on the stair. The Doctor shook hands with Richling and sank into the chair at his desk. "Anything turned up yet, Richling?"

Every way they are suit' to each other and we think if that poor old rue Royale con-tinue to run down, that will even be good to join those two businezz' together. And bisside', sinze a li'l' shaver Dubroca he ain't never love nobody else, only Mélanie. "But also De l'Isle, like Dubroca, he was always pretty glad of every egscuse to drop in there at Mme. Alexandre and pass word with Mélanie.

Summons us. Dot shall pe mine egscuse. I shall show him der chudgment." Mme. Cibot went down to the court, and that very day at seven o'clock she called to Schmucke. Schmucke found himself confronted with M. Tabareau the bailiff, who called upon him to pay.

"An' honness weight!" said Narcisse, planting his empty cup in his saucer, with the energy of his asservation; "an', Mr. Bison, thass a ve'y seldom thing." "Yayss," assented Reisen, "ovver tat prate is mighdy dtry, undt shtickin' in ten dtroat." "No, seh!" said the flatterer, with a generous smile. "Egscuse me I diffeh fum you. 'Tis a beaucheouz bwead. Yesseh.

Chezter, you will egscuse if that bride an' groom don't look pritty fresh; biccause eighteen seventy-three they have not change' their clothingg!" "Chérie," said Aline, "I think first we better read the manuscript, and then." After a breath of hesitation "Yes! read firs' and then. Alway' businezz biffo'!"

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