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Your sister is a charming nurse." A long quiet ensued; in it came the memory of Dr. Eaton's interest in the young girl's face. "Is Mr. Axtell an artist?" I asked, after the silence. "Mr. Axtell is a church-sexton," was the response. "Cannot he be both sexton and artist?" "How can he?"

And very likely all this was for the gain of a couple of shillings, or some such trifle. But, however, the squirrel is your's, Miss Huntley, so I beg you will accept of it. Miss Huntley. I think, Miss Bentley, I had better not take it, as it will cause questions which may discover young Eaton's guilt, and I should not wish to take away his character.

When he rose to leave, Catharine went after him to the door, caught hold of his hand and silently kissed him, but he did not respond. During the dinner-hour Tom had looked in the counting-house and saw the letters lying on the table untouched. Mr. Eaton's steward came in with congratulations that the tender was accepted, but he could not wait. As Mr.

The Administration steadily upheld Lear; and good Democrats, who saw every measure refracted through the dense medium of party-spirit, of course defended their leaders, and took fire at Eaton's overbearing manner and insulting intolerance of their opinions. Thus, although the general sentiment of the country was strongly in his favor, at Washington he made many enemies.

But," he added, with a sigh, "I suppose you think I shall want my chemistry more than ever to amuse me in the country." Phosphorus is a matter which shines or even burns spontaneously, and without the application of any sensible fire. "No, my dear boy, not more than ever." "Oh, mother! Bob Eaton's father says the country is such a bore and Bob thinks so too."

Eaton's dazed brain tried to conceive the situation of a billionaire being mauled for his good, and gave it up in despair. If Steve Eaton worshipped anything, it was wealth. He was a born sycophant, and it was partly because his naive unstinted admiration had contributed to satisfy his chief's vanity that the latter had made of him a confidant.

The two largest of the invading Indian bands moved, one by way of the mountains, to fall on the Watauga fort and its neighbors, and the other, led by the great war chief, Dragging Canoe, to lay waste the country guarded by Eaton's Station.

He had even great delay and difficulty in obtaining the settlement of his accounts and the repayment of the money advanced by him. Disappointment, debt, and hard drinking soon brought Eaton's life to a close. He died in obscurity in 1811. Among his papers was found a list of officers who composed a Court Martial held in Ohio by General St. Clair in 1793.

E.H. Botume's First Days Among the Contrabands and John Eaton's Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen cover very well the period of rebellion. The second volume of George W. Williams's History of the Negro Race also contains a short chapter on the exodus of 1879. Mr. Epstein has published a helpful pamphlet, The Negro Migrant in Pittsburgh.

"Might carve out a jack-o'-lantern like Old Eaton's face," supplemented Tom O'Neil irreverently. "Well," concluded Rivers, "I guess, when all's said and done, we might as well take the clock, an' bell, too. When a man makes a fair offer, it's no more 'n civil to close with it. Ye can't rightly heave it back ag'in."