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"Frankly, dear mother, are you as happy with this new husband of yours so wise and far-seeing, and determined to have his own way in everything as you were with my dear, indulgent, easy-tempered father?" Pamela Winstanley burst into a passion of tears. "How can you be so cruel?" she exclaimed. "Who can give back the past, or the freshness and brightness of one's youth?

Indeed, she had all that fondness for him which a lodging-house keeper generally has for a handsome, dissipated, easy-tempered young man; and when she heard that he had been 'quodded, immediately made up her mind that steps must be taken for his release. But what was she to do?

"I thought you said you approved of a good, pertinent letter, to show that the laity were backing you up!" "I said a mild, easy-tempered letter might be all right. But " "Why, Sam, don't you think that's an awfully mild letter? You ought to see what I edited out of it." "Well, you left in enough to let the 'Post' in for a damage suit, all right.

I am, by nature, one of the most easy-tempered creatures that ever lived I make allowances for everybody, and I take offence at nothing. But as I have before remarked, there are limits to my endurance. I laid down Marian's letter, and felt myself justly felt myself an injured man. I am about to make a remark.

Miss Georgie laughed ruefully, and patted her pompadour absent-mindedly. "So all I got out of that," she finished, "was a correspondence I could very well do without. I've been trying to quarrel with that operator ever since, but he's so darned easy-tempered!" She went and looked out of the window again uneasily.

He was, as those of his kidney generally are, for ever on the alert lest the Germans should cheat him; and grumbled and complained, and ate and drank, and proved to be, after all, a kind-hearted and easy-tempered person. Between Hollendorf, where the Saxon custom-house is planted, and Peterswald, the frontier village of Bohemia, there is an interval of perhaps an English mile in extent.

Another important movement had, meanwhile, been made by the third party in this complicated game. The Catholic nobles, jealous of the growing influence of Orange, and indignant at the expanding power of the people, had opened secret negotiations with the Archduke Matthias, then a mild, easy-tempered youth of twenty, brother of the reigning emperor, Rudolph.

She's better to take when first comings-off is done. She'll smooth down i' th' even, as like as not, and then I'll send El'nor o'er wi' the little maid's bits o' gear. Or, if she willn't go, I can bring 'em myself, when work's done. Let's get it o'er afore She finds aught out!" Avice scarcely knew whether to laugh or to be sorry. Poor, weak, easy-tempered Dan!

An idle, easy-tempered, yet greedy creature, who, what with religious apostasy in early manhood, what with flaccid ambitions since, and idle gapings after shadows, has lost helm in this world; and will make a very bad voyage for self and country.

He who had been of old so easy-tempered, so lively, was now melancholy and irritable, at times garrulous to a degree that was painful to his hearers, keenly resentful of trifles, always fancying himself neglected or slighted. In vain did Lady Palliser and Ida urge the necessity of medical advice.