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II. Dumbness sets the brute below the man: Silence elevates the man above the brute. Every one of those hundred orators is to me a more fearful thought than that of a hundred men gathering samphire.

In this strait the idea suddenly crossed his mind that his greatest security would be in feigning dumbness. "Écoutez, mon ami" commenced Griffin, in very respectable English-French, "you are to tell me nothing but the truth, and it may be all the better for you. You belong to the Feu-Follet, of course?"

Nature seemed herself, yet struck to dumbness. No breeze stirred the twigs overhead or the undergrowth through which they rode. Once, as the two, riding a little apart, turned suddenly together, up a ravine into thicker woods, they came upon a herd of deer, who stared on them without any movement that the eye could see.

The duel between the judge and the criminal is all the more appalling because justice has on its side the dumbness of blank walls and the incorruptible coldness of its agents.

Perhaps he wished to leave with his people a silent witness of his own hope, and a preacher, eloquent in its dumbness, of the duty of their keeping alive that hope, whatever might come upon them. 'In a coffin in Egypt' so the book ends.

I took no account of his deafness and dumbness; the one thing I saw was his mastership over a single subject. Gradually my incompleteness came to weigh on me like a nightmare. I imagined that if I had learned any craft which required skill, I should have been content. I was depressed when I looked at the watchmaker examining my watch.

He distinguished between forms of disease due to possession and the same diseases when dissociated from it, as, for example, cases of dumbness. His whole attitude, both in His actual dealing with the possessed and in His referring to the subject, gave His complete adhesion to the reality of the awful thing. It is vain to say that He humoured the delusions of insanity in order to cure them.

The seemingly inevitable clash was averted by Susan Fitzgerald, who rose and addressed the chair, a feat of such reckless daring as to reduce the assembly to instant dumbness. "Mrs. President, I think a suffrage club is what we need in Clematis 'most of anything.

Crocker had set eyes upon a biped so exhilaratingly American, and rapture held him speechless, as one who after long exile beholds some landmark of his childhood. The female member of the party took advantage of his dumbness which, as she had not unnaturally mistaken him for the butler, she took for a silent and respectful query as to her business and wishes to open the conversation. "Is Mrs.

He grew uncomfortably conscious of this speechless watchfulness of nature, he strained his ears to listen, as it were to the deepening dumbness of all existing things, and to conquer the strange sensations that were overcoming him, he proceeded at a more rapid pace, but in two or three minutes came again to an abrupt halt.