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He was dressed in dimity; and his stiff figure and mutton-chop whiskers gave him at the same time the air of a magistrate and a dandy. Even when he was speaking, his features did not appear to move.

He had certainly dealt generously by us, though I still think his sudden departure, which made us fall heirs to many things we otherwise might not have so done, was owing to his wish to remove Emily Merton, as quickly as possible, from my sight. At daylight next morning, Neb came to the officers' tents to say, the ship was getting her anchors. I was up and dressed in a moment.

But multitudes of the Christians, dressed in white and carrying lighted torches in their hands, were hurrying toward the Basilica of Constantine to keep the latest holy day of the church, the new festival of the birthday of their Master.

However that might be, he thought that as far as his experience in women went, he had never seen anything more lovely than Madeline Staveley dressed in a long white sheet, with a long bit of white cambric pinned round her face.

The gentleman's face was indistinct, and he was dressed in a costume which, upon a man of his size one would have estimated him as rising 6 ft. 4 in. appeared absurdly juvenile. He had one arm round her neck, and she was holding his other hand and smirking.

When a French actress sings the "Marseillaise" to a theatre audience in war-time, or Sir Harry Lauder, dressed in kilts, sings to a Scottish-born audience about "the bonny purple heather," or a marching regiment strikes up "Dixie," the actual song is only the release of a mood already stimulated.

His home had been one of comfort and even of elegance, any reasonable desire had never been denied, he had always been a leading spirit among the pupils of the high school, and that he was too, a young fellow who was graceful in his appearance, well dressed, and confident of his own position, doubtless Will Phelps was aware, although he did not give expression to the fact in such terms.

"What's the use of my taking the trouble to get up, in such weather as this, and shave myself, and and put myself out like this," grumbled the master of the house, entering half dressed, half asleep, and more than half angry. "No horses can run " Jessie crept to the door and escaped as swiftly and silently as possible.

"The Vicomte was carried into a neighbouring house, from all the windows of which the tricolour was suspended; and the Medecin whom he had just saved from summary execution examined and dressed his wound. The Vicomte lingered for more than an hour, but expired in the effort to utter some words, the sense of which those about him endeavoured in vain to seize.

Aubrey retreated in the irritation of a man baulked of a cold tub. He shaved and dressed rapidly. On his way downstairs he met Mrs. Schiller. He thought that her gaze was disapproving. "A gentleman called to see you last night, sir," she said. "He said he was very sorry to miss you." "I was rather late in getting in," said Aubrey. "Did he leave his name?"