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It is the self-same process that is pictured in the sonorous hexameters: "Tum pater omnipotens fecundis imbribus Aether Coniugis in gremium laetae descendit, et omnes Magnus alit, magno commixtus corpore, fetus." But in the beginning Heaven lay close to the Earth and all was dim and dark. There was life but not light.

Involuntarily Paolo bent his head and repeated in low tones the words of the Creed, "Qui propter nos homines et propter nostram, salutem descendit de coelis," and then, "Crucifixus etiam pro nobis." Marzio stood looking on, his hands in his pockets. His fingers grasped the long sharp punch he had taken from the table after Gianbattista's departure.

Alors le seigneur se leva: il descendit deux marches pour s'approcher de l'ambassadeur et le prit par la main. Celui-ci voulut lui baiser la sienne; mais il s'y refusa, et demanda par la voie d'un interprète Juif qui savoit le Turc et l'Italien, comment se portoit son bon frère et voisin le duc de Milan. L'ambassadeur répondit

With a faint sigh the priest's eyes opened and seemed to gaze for a moment on the crucifix standing in the bright light of the lamp. An expression of wonderful gentleness and calm overspread the refined features. "Qui propter nos homines et propter nostram salutem descendit de coelis." The words came faintly from the dying man's lips, the last syllables scarcely audible in the intense stillness.

The other map of Joliet bears, also written over the Ohio, the words, "Riviere par ou descendit le sieur de la Salle au sortir du lac Erie pour aller clans le Mexique."

God hae mercy on his wee bairns, an' no lat the play ocks he gies them tak their e'en aff o' the giein' han'! May the licht noo streamin' frae the hert o' the bonny stanes be the bodily presence o' thy speerit, as ance was the doo 'at descendit upo' the maister, an' the buss 'at burned wi' fire an' wasna consumed. Thoo art the father o' lichts, an' a' licht is thine.

Priscianus vero dicit quod descendit a Greco ... oys. Besides his philology the good Dominican was also a theologian; and when he comes to the words upon which his world was built, he cannot dismiss them as lightly as the snow. So Antichristus has two columns, that is to say a folio page: confiteor , conscientia , ordo , virgo two columns.