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CLAIRE, sister to de Puysange, a woman of beauty and resolution, of a literal humor. ATTENDANTS, BRIGANDS, and DRAGOONS; and, in the Proem, LORD HUMPHREY DEGGE and LADY MARIAN HELEIGH. First at Dover, thence shifting to Bellegarde-en-Poictesme and the adjacent country. PROEM: More Properly an Apologue, and Treats of the Fallibility of Soap

And yet " He flung out his hands. "Yes, there is by ordinary some plaguy yet," the Duke interpolated. "There is," cried Lord Humphrey Degge, "the swift and heart-grappling recollection of the woman you gave up in the cause of common-sense, roused by some melody she liked, or some shade of color she was wont to wear, or by hearing from other lips some turn of speech to which she was addicted.

But my dreams, I find, were not sufficiently comprehensive; for they did not anticipate April, and nature, and Lord Humphrey Degge. We must yield to that triumvirate, we sensible old men. Nay, we are wise as the world goes, but we have learned, you and I, that to be sensible is not the highest wisdom. Marian is her mother in soul, heart, and feature. Don't let the old tragedy be repeated, Harry.

"It appears to me unreasonable to advance a statement simply because it happens to rhyme with a statement you have previously made. And that is what all you poets do. Why, this is very remarkable," said Lord Brudenel, with a change of tone; "yonder is young Humphrey Degge with Marian. I had thought him in bed at Tunbridge. Did I not hear something of an affair with a house-breaker ?"

You mould them up in haste, and drop them down, And while we seek what carelessly you sort, You sit in state, and make our pains your sport." CAPTAIN AUDAINE, an ingenious, well-accomplished gentleman. LORD HUMPHREY DEGGE, an airy young gentleman, loves Miss Allonby for her money. VANRINGHAM, emissary and confederate of Audaine. MISS ALLONBY, a young lady of wit and fortune.

Here we sit, two miserable and empty-veined old men squabbling across a deal-table, breaking up a friendship of thirty years. And yonder Marian and this Humphrey Degge who are within a measurable distance of insanity, if their conversation be the touchstone, yet tread the pinnacles of some seventh heaven of happiness. April has brought them love, Harry. Oh, I concede their love is folly!

What occurred last night I now partly know, and in part guess, Degge played a bold game, and your Captain gambled even more impudently, only the stakes, as it to-day transpires, were of somewhat less importance than either of them surmised. For years Mr.

"What the devil are you driving at?" said Lord Brudenel. Composedly the Duke of Ormskirk spread out his hands. "You have, in effect, placed Marian in the market," he said, "and I offer to give Lord Humphrey Degge the money with which to purchase her." "Tis evident," the Earl considered, "that you are demented!" "Because I willingly part with money? But then I have a great deal of money.

Captain Audaine Monsieur de Soyecourt considered at the start diverting, and in the end a pompous bore. Lord Humphrey Degge was found a ruddy and comely person, of no especial importance, but de Soyecourt avidly took note of Mr. Erwyn's waistcoat. Why, this man was a genius! Monsieur de Soyecourt at first glance decided.

The Duke of Ormskirk left Halvergate on the following day, after participation in two dialogues, which I abridge. Said the Duke to Lord Humphrey Degge: "You have been favored, sir, vastly beyond your deserts. I acquiesce, since Fate is proverbially a lady, and to dissent were in consequence ungallant.