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'I had come out without a necktie; and there I was, spouting my lines to the three Graces, as DECOLLETE as a strutting turkey cock. The only other allusion to poetry or literature that night was a story I told him of a Mr. Thomas Wrightson, a Yorkshire banker, and a fanatical Swedenborgian.

She was pressed to keep her opera-cloak over her shoulders, lest she take cold in her décolleté; the high fur collar made an effective background for her face. Then he would fall to painting, and the hours of the forenoon would fly. An amiable woman would now and then make a remark, easily jocular. Another amiable woman soothing presences, both would answer.

The second bridesmaid wore a dress of silk, not ecru and not palest olive, but a shade between the two, with a perfectly fitting corsage, likewise décolleté, and for ornaments a necklace of large pearls, a bouquet, and flowers in her hair. The first groomsman was in civilian's dress; but the second was in all the glory of full regimentals, with scarlet trimmings and showy buttons.

The lady herself was subject to remark by the Pragers on account of her very decolleté dresses after the fashion set by the Court of her father, King James I of England, of whom it is said, by the way, that he was not over addicted to washing the tips of his fingers were about the extent of his ablutions; so stone-throwing was out of place in this instance, as in all others.

Then, as she pushed open the door, the smell of cigarette smoke grew stronger, and she found herself in a large bedroom, the details of which were instantly photographed on her mind the dingy claret-red walls, the crayon over the mantel of a buxom lady in a decollete costume of the '90's, the outspread fan concealing the fireplace, the soiled lace curtains.

What surprised me a little was the decollete of ladies who were getting on in years and to whom time had not been very merciful. I spoke of this to Hortense Damain. "It's frightful!" I said. "Yes, but it's chic." She was very charming, my friend Hortense, but she troubled about nothing that was not chic.

In hope of winning her husband's affection, by studying his pleasures and suiting herself to his ways, her majesty had become a changed woman. She now professed a passion for dancing, wore decollete costumes, and strove to surpass those surrounding her in her desire for gaiety.

And when I had devoured all that was edible of it, there still remained the stone, which a heedless, thoughtless child would doubtless have thrown away; I put it down the neck of a young friend who was wearing a very DECOLLETE sailor suit.

Upon the threshold of the salon, filled with fashionable people and flooded with intense light, stood the minister, who had been receiving, greeting, bowing, ever since the opening of the soirée, to those who arrived, some of whom he did not know; crowding behind him, correctly dressed, stood his secretaries, the members of his cabinet appropriating their shares of the greetings extended to the Excellency, and at his side stood Madame Vaudrey, pale and smiling as the creatures of the other world; she also bowed and from time to time extended her gloved hand mechanically; pale she looked in her décolleté gown of white satin, clasped at the shoulders with two pearl clasps, a bouquet of natural roses in her corsage, and standing there like a melancholy spectre on the very threshold of the festive salons.

A party of Grenadier Guards, led by a band and accompanied by policemen and small boys, marched along the Mall. A phrase of the march haunted Don all the way to Chelsea. Yvonne Mario in white décolleté blouse and simple blue skirt, made a very charming picture indeed.