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For our part, the men had cover of a sort in the fore-top, and there were steel screens round the deck-guns; but when the cruiser replied with her own small arms many fell; and groans, and shrieks, and curses rose, and were audible even to us in the tower.

Jackets were torn from the deck-guns and the guns slued round to sweep from stem to stern. With a jarring of cranes and shaking of timbers, the two ships bumped together; and a more surprised looking lot of men than the crew of the Ste. Anne you never saw. Pierre Radisson had played the rogues their own game in the matter of signals. They had thought the St.

"I don't want to go alone." "The nurses of the unit to which you " The crash of a shell drowned his voice. Then came a deathly silence, then the sound of the deck-guns in action once more. Miss Erith was leaning rather heavily on his arm. He bent it, drawing her closer. "I don't want to leave you," she said again. "I told you "

This simple question stirred up in one moment all the bile in the poor old gentleman's nature. "My deck-guns serviceable! how the can they when that son of a sea-cook your third mate has been and lashed the water butts to their breechings, and jammed his gear in between their nozzles, till they can't breathe, poor things, far less bark.

In the confusion of the moment he took refuge with the rest, in the canoes. The survivors of the crew now sallied forth, and discharged some of the deck-guns, which did great execution among the canoes, and drove all the savages to shore. For the remainder of the day no one ventured to put off to the ship, deterred by the effects of the fire-arms.

The gunner arrived and saluted the quarter-deck; the captain on this saluted him, and beckoned him to the weather side. On this the other officers kept religiously to leeward. "Mr. Monk," said Dodd, "you will clean and prepare all the small arms directly." "Ay, ay, sir," said the old Niler, with a gleam of satisfaction. "How many of your deck-guns are serviceable?"

Dodd flew to the helm, and with his own hands put it hard a-weather, to give the deck-guns one more chance, the last, of sinking or disabling the Destroyer. As the ship obeyed, and a deck-gun bellowed below him, he saw a vessel running out from Long Island, and coming swiftly up on his lee quarter. It was a schooner. Was she coming to his aid? Horror! A black flag floated from her foremast head.

After a silence punctured by the flat bang of the deck-guns: "You ARE cured, aren't you, Kay?" "Yes." She repeated in a curiously exultant voice: "You ARE cured. All of a sudden after that black crisis, too, you wake up, well!" "You woke me." "Of course, I did with those guns frightening me!" "You woke me, Eve," he repeated coolly, "and my dream had already cured me. I am perfectly well.

"It isn't that.... Don't you understand that I have become your friend?" "Such a brute as I am?" "I like you." In the silence he could hear his heart drumming between the detonations of the deck-guns. He said: "It's because you are you. No other woman on earth but would have loathed me... beastly rotter that I was "

There were three other Italian destroyers in the harbor but, instead of being moored snugly alongside the quay, they were strung out in a semblance of battle formation, so that their deck-guns, from which the canvas muzzle-covers had been removed, could sweep the rocky heights above and around them.