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'Well, what of that? said he, 'If I am dead, I've not been waked, and buried dacently. 'And why, the monarch cried, 'Desire again to share life's toils? 'For the sake of one good frolic more, 'Even at Johnny Coyle's. One spree at Johnny Coyle's; one spree at Johnny Coyle's; And who would not be glad to join a spree at Johnny Coyle's?"

Now how can he marry her except you take a good farm for him, and stock it dacently, so that he may have a home sich as she desarves to bring her to?" "How do you know but they'll give her a fortune when they find her bent on him?" "Why, it's not unpossible," said the wife, immediately changing her tactics, "it's not impossible, but I can tell you it's very unlikely."

"Arrah, Captain, avourneen, hadn't you betther get upon a stool," said a voice, "an' put a text before it, thin divide it dacently into three halves, an' make a sarmon of it." "Captain, you wor intended for the church," added another. "Let him alone," said a third; "he'd be a jinteel man enough in a wildherness, an' 'ud make an illigant dancin'-masther to the bears."

They began where you enter the north side of Knockimdowny, and fought successively up to the other end, then back again to the spot where they commenced, and afterwards up to the middle of the town, right opposite to the market-place, where my grandfather, by the same a-token, lost a grinder; but he soon took satisfaction for that, by giving Mucldemurray a tip above the eye with the end of an oak stick, dacently loaded with lead, which made the poor man feel very quare entirely, for the few days that he survived it.

"But Mary, you'll have to be caring more for your husband now. I suppose you love Denis McGovery, don't you? I'd never marry a man unless I loved him." "Oh! that's in course I do love him; why wouldn't I? for he has a nice little room all dacently furnished for any young woman to go into besides the shop; and he never has the horses at all into the one we sleeps in, as is to be.

It's I that wud sooner see the plentiful hearths of ould Ireland, where the turf fire cooks the vittles dacently! Oh wirra! why did we ever lave it? But Mr. Wynn intercepted the rising chorus by the simple dissyllable, 'Andy! 'Sir, yer honour! wheeling round, and suddenly resuming a jocose demeanour; 'I was only jokin' about bein' back.

"Well, sir," said Mr. Dooley, "dam thim Cubians! If I was Gin'ral Shafter, I'd back up th' wagon in front iv th' dure, an' I'd say to Gin'ral Garshy, I'd say, 'I want you'; an' I'd have thim all down at th' station an' dacently booked be th' desk sergeant befure th' fall iv night. Th' impydince iv thim!" "What have they been doin'?" Mr. Hennessy asked.

Pat has got Shamus na Pe'bria, all the ways out of County Mayo, him that makes all the pipes through the counthry, Miss; and did the music about O'Connell all out of his own head, Miss. Oh, it 'll be the most illigant wedding intirely, Miss, anywhere through the counthry, this long time back! When one is to be married, it's as well to do it dacently as not; arn't it, Miss?"

I proved as clear an alibi for him as the sun in the firmanent; an' yit, bad luck to the big-wig O'Grady, he should be puttin' in his leek an me afore the jury, jist whin I had the poor boy cleared out dacently, an' wid all honor. An' bedad, now, that we're spakin about it, I'll tell your honor the whole conclusions of it.

He fought stoutly on his own side; but he was ped then for the same basting that fell to me, though not by my hands, if to get his jaw dacently divided into three halves could be called a fair liquidation of an old debt it was equal to twenty shillings in the pound, any how. "There had not been a larger fair in the town of Knockimdowny for years. The day was dark and sunless, but sultry.