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"A good, comfortable distance, D-Dig," said he, "now tell him to take his g-ground." But even as he spoke, Mr. Chichester strode to the opposite corner of the long room, and turning, stood there with folded arms. Up till now, he had uttered no word, but as Mr. Smivvle leaned back against the wall, midway between them, and glanced from one to the other, Mr. Chichester spoke.

D-devil of a place to ask gentleman to sit down in, but the Spanswick hasn't been round to clean the place this week damn her! S-scarcely blame her, though never gets paid except when Dig remembers it. Don't know what I should do without D-Dig, raised twenty pounds yesterday, damme if I know where! said it was watch but watch went weeks ago. Couldn't ever pay the Spanswick.

"G-give us the barkers, will you quick! Oh, damnation. Dig, y-you know G-Gaunt and his hangman are hard on my heels! Quick, then, and g-get it over and done with d'you hear, D-Dig?" So saying, Barrymaine crossed to the hearth and stood there, warming his hands at the blaze, but, even so, he must needs turn his head so that he could keep his gloating eyes always directed to Chichester's pale face.

And now, for the first time, Barrymaine's gaze left Chichester's face, and fixed itself upon the open casement instead. "Ha!" he cried, "here comes G-Gaunt at last, D-Dig, and with his hangman at his elbow! But he's t-too late, Dig, he's too l-late I'm going, but I mean to take our friend our d-dear friend Chichester w-with me look now!"

"Listen then! Chichester knows he knows, I tell you! He came to me, three days ago I think while D-Dig was out, and he talked and talked, and questioned me and questioned me, and s-so I I told him everything everything! But I had to, Beverley, I had to he made me yes he, Jasper Gaunt.

Then Barrymaine laughed, an awful, gasping laugh, and began to edge himself along the wall and, as he went, he left hideous smears and blotches upon the panelling behind him. Being come to that inanimate figure he stood awhile watching it with gloating eyes. Presently he spoke in a harsh whisper: "He's dead, D-Dig quite dead, you see! And he was my f-friend, which was bad!

Chichester, and as he stood thus fixing Mr. Chichester with that awful, unwavering stare, a smile twisted his pallid lips, and he spoke very softly: "It's all r-right, Dig," said he, "the luck's with me at l-last we're in time I've g-got him! Come in, D-Dig, and bring the tools I I've g-got him!" Hereupon Mr.

When they are gone you shall have more." "Beverley, I wronged you, but I know now who my c-creditor really is I know who has been m-my enemy all along oh, blind f-fool that I've been, but I know now. And I think it's t-turned my brain. Beverley, my head's all confused wish D-Dig were here. But I shall be better s-soon. It was D-Dover you said, I think?" "Yes, but now, take off that coat."

"Sirs," said he, "I shall most certainly kill him, and I call upon you to witness that it was forced upon me." Now as his voice died away, through the open window came a faint sound that might have been wind in the trees, or the drumming of horse-hoofs, soft and faint with distance. "Oh, g-give us the word, D-Dig!" said Barrymaine. "Gentlemen," said Mr.