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Any of these diseases is difficult to exterminate when it once gains a foothold. The best thing to do is to get strong, vigorous cuttings, and then to give careful attention to watering, cultivation, and ventilation, and the destruction of dead and dying leaves and all runners as fast as they appear. Among insect enemies, the aphids, red spiders, eel worms, gall flies, and slugs may be mentioned.

In any case, the far-seeing Frenchman had taken care not to forget in his collection some precious cuttings of the Medoc and Cote d'Or, upon which he founded his hopes. Reiset and Regnaut's apparatus worked with great regularity. Not an atom of carbonic acid resisted the potash; and as to the oxygen, Captain Nicholl said "it was of the first quality."

"And the bull pup is asleep. He keeps bankers' hours instead of attending to his business," complained Emma. After breakfast Tom told them of his work in the forest, adding that he had observed evidences of the recent presence of timber-pirates. "That is, I have found their blazes, secret cuttings on trees in remote sections.

He walked away thoughtfully to his van, and a moment later there was a shrill whistle, and the Lansdale local ran out into the night. And it was a night! There was no moon, and not the least glimmer of a star overhead; an utter darkness shrouded the world. The wind was high and steady, and its mournful howling through the rocky cuttings of the railway sounded unspeakably melancholy.

They should find out, unaided, as much as possible concerning the animal in question: his size, color, food, home, values, etc., the teacher supplementing with interesting and necessary items not at the disposal of the class. Free-hand cuttings and pencil sketches should be compared with the best pictures obtainable and the real animal whenever possible.

It may be that the phrase she used was academic, but I am at least reasonable in thinking that the average American would know what she meant. Not one of those eight English people caught even the shadow of her meaning, and when she explained what she meant by "sod your cuts," they said that she meant "turf your cuttings."

The blossoms, though bearing a general resemblance to those of other members of the cabbage family, are yet quite unique in appearance, and I think worthy of a place in the flower garden. It is propagated both by seed and by cuttings of the roots, having the rows three feet apart, and the plants three feet apart in the rows. It is difficult to get the seeds to vegetate.

The bridges and roads over the marshes proved quite satisfactory, and it was a real delight to me when the first teams of wool drays passed over safely. I was at the same time engaged on the cuttings, and got some of them completed before the severe winter set in.

I have no doubt that a man can be found to bring it back." "Oh no," she said, with a shrug, "it will be all right; only you had better lunch here, that's all, because I want to start early, and go to an old woman's at the other end of Honham about some fuchsia cuttings." "I shall be very happy," said he. "Very well then, that is settled," said Mr.

And it was with no particular motive that Brereton now reached out and picked it up, and unsnapping the clasp began idly to turn over the leaves on which the old detective had pasted cuttings from newspapers and made entries in his crabbed handwriting. Brereton believed that he was idly handling what Pett had jocosely described the book to be a mere scrap-book.