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After completion of laconic epistolary compositions she abandoned the implement of calligraphy in the encaustic pigment, exposed to the corrosive action of copperas, green vitriol and nutgall. What compensated in the false balance of her intelligence for these and such deficiencies of judgment regarding persons, places and things?

"No coffee?" Corina shook her head. "No. I cannot understand how you can drink something so corrosive, much less appear to enjoy it." "It's an acquired taste," the Ranger agreed. They sat down as he continued, "But the Navy seems to run on it, and I'll admit to drinking more than I should." "Drink what?" Sunbeam asked, having missed the first part of the conversation. "Coffee," Medart replied.

Oil all cracks in storerooms, closets, safes, with turpentine, or a mixture of alcohol and corrosive sublimate; this drives off vermin. Place pieces of camphor, cedar-wood, Russia leather, tobacco-leaves, boy-myrtle, or anything else strongly aromatic, in the drawers or boxes where furs or other things to be preserved from moths are kept, and they will never take harm.

"Item, a small earthenware pot containing two or three lumps of prepared opium. "Item, a folded paper containing two drachms of corrosive sublimate powdered. "Next, a little box containing a sort of stone known as infernal stone. "Next, a paper containing one ounce of opium. "Next, a piece of pure antimony weighing three ounces.

What faith can we put in the tales of evoked larvæ killing a designated person to order with corrosive oil and blood virus? None, unless one is extremely credulous, and even a bit mad. "And yet, come to think of it, we find today, unexplained and surviving under other names, the mysteries which were so long reckoned the product of mediæval imagination and superstition. At the charity hospital Dr.

"What's wrong here?" he asked the man who was in charge of the gang. "There's been some sort of ugly business going on, I'm afraid," came the reply; "for we're replacing several wire stays that look as if they'd been partly eaten by a corrosive acid. Smacks of rank treachery, Sergeant."

It has been suggested that ants can be kept out of drawers and closets by a "dead line" drawn with a brush dipped in corrosive sublimate one ounce, muriate of ammonia two ounces, and water one pint, while a powder of tartar emetic, dissolved in a saucer of water, seems to be effective in driving them away.

Four days afterwards the Cardinal died, and a post-mortem examination showed that the omentum had been eaten by some corrosive substance. Giovann' Andrea was sent in chains to Rome; but in spite of his confession, more than once repeated, the court released him.

Remorse was roiling in her breast; the corrosive poison of regret for too much said, depressed her generous heart. If he had known how to accomplish what he had wrought without blood, he had said; if he had known. Neither had she known, but she had expected it of him, she had set him to the task with an unreasonable condition. Blood was the price. Ascalon exacted blood, always blood.