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When all this had been accomplished the trapper removed his fur cap, scratched his grizzled head, and appealed to Neale and King. "I reckon you can fetch over some comfortable-like necessaries fixin's fer a girl," he suggested. Red King laughed in his cool, easy, droll way. "Shore, we'll rustle fer a lookin'-glass, an' hair-brush, an' such as girls hev to hev. Our camp is full of them things."

You ought to seen us grab our rifles sudden, and run out from behind them rocks, where we was a camping, so comfortable-like, and just going to light our pipes for a good smoke. It didn't take us no time to get down on to the Trail, where we seen a Mexican bull train, that we know'd must have come from Santa Fe, and which had stopped and was trying to corral.

If yer intendin' ter stay yere, ye better have yer mail sent ter the hotel." "Thank you; I'll see. I do not know yet the length of my stay." "Are ye yere on business?" "Partly; but it may require only a few days." "Waal, if yer do stay over, maybe I kin fix yer up a bit more comfortable-like. Thar'll be some drummers a goin' out to-day, I reckon."

"All right," responded Bill; "we'll keep our wits awake, and maybe we shall find an opportunity of getting away." "I am ready for anything you propose," said Jack. "We might have found it more easy to make our escape if Madame Turgot had brought us back our French toggery; but still, for my part, I feel more comfortable-like in my own clothes." "So do I," said Bill.

"We shall not do badly, sir," observed Jack, as he surveyed the place; "we don't, however, like it for you, sir; but we will get some straw and some planks, and make it as comfortable-like as we can and rig up a table. It's a shame, that it is, to turn a British officer into such a place; and the next time we get alongside a French man-of-war, in the Lilly, won't we give it her, that's all!"

I'm on the north side, you know, and my old claim on the south side will do just right for my brother Ben; he's coming out in the fall. Now if you want to go up our way, you can have the cabin on that claim. There's nobody living in it. It's no great of a cabin, but it's built of hewed timber, well chinked and comfortable-like.

"My camp is just back," said Dale, as if he had read Helen's mind. "To-morrow we'll fix up comfortable-like round here for you girls." Helen and Bo were made as easy as blankets and saddles could make them, and the men went about their tasks. "Nell isn't this a dream?" murmured Bo. "No, child. It's real terribly real," replied Helen. "Now that we're here with that awful ride over we can think."

Old Brabantio was as mad as thunder at this & tore round considerable, but finally cooled down, telling Otheller, howsoever, that Desdemony had come it over her par, & that he had better look out or she'd come it over him likewise. Mr. and Mrs. Otheller git along very comfortable-like for a spell.

The garden an' the horse is all very well, but what do you think she lit into me to-day for? 'You'll let me stay all summer, won't you, Mrs. Gray? she said, comin' into the kitchen, where I was ironin' away for dear life, liftin' a pile of sheets off a chair, an' settlin' down, comfortable-like.

Old Brabantio was as mad as thunder at this & tore round considerable, but finally cooled down, tellin Otheller, howsoever, that Desdemony had come it over her par, & that he had better look out or she'd come it over him likewise. Mr. and Mrs. Otheller git along very comfortable-like for a spell.