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'There is a reason for everything, he says. 'The miracles and ghosts of one generation are just school-book learning to the next; and more of a miracle than the miracles themselves." "Chauncey shows his sense," Mrs. Bogardus observed. "He was real disturbed, though, I could see; and he told me particular not to make any talk about it. I never have opened the subject to a living soul.

His father was a blacksmith and nail-maker, to which trade he added the cultivation of the little farm on which he lived; and being poor, it was necessary for him to labor hard in all his callings in order to provide his family with a plain subsistence. Young Chauncey had little or no time given him for acquiring an education.

Then Grandfather amused his children and himself, with fancying all the different sorts of people who had occupied our chair, while they awaited the leisure of the barber. There was the old clergyman, such as Dr. Chauncey, wearing a white wig, which the barber took from his head, and placed upon a wig-block.

One windy morning when the leaves were kiting over the valley we were getting ready for pounding hominy, when a figure appeared on the trail. Steadying the hood of her sunbonnet with her hand, the girl gazed long and earnestly, and a lump came into my throat at the thought that the comer might be Tom McChesney. Polly Ann sat down at the block again in disgust. "It's only Chauncey Dike," she said.

The Society had lost two Churches by fire, and Summerfield charge had been formed. The successive Pastors had been Revs. S.C. Thomas, Chauncey Hobart, P.S. Bennett, Milton Rowley, C.S. Macreading, E. Robinson, J.M. Walker, and J.C. Robbins. To several of them reference has been made in former chapters. We will now refer to others. Rev.

Impatient to return to Lake Ontario, where a fleet in being was even more urgently needed, Chauncey was glad to receive from Commander Oliver Hazard Perry an application to serve under him. To Perry was promptly turned over the burden and the responsibility of smashing the British naval power on Lake Erie.

"I'll tell you," said William, putting his mouth close to her ear, and speaking in a disagreeable loud whisper, "it's the biggest gobbler in the yard." "Ain't you ashamed, William!" cried little Ellen Chauncey. "That's it exactly," said Margaret "always strutting about." "He isn't a bit," said Ellen, very angry; "I've seen people a great deal more like gobblers than he is."

Chauncey Weed seemed of a species better able to thrive in the atmosphere of pockets.

The names of some of them are Daniel Burnap, Thomas Harland, Eli Terry, Eli Terry, Junior, Silas Hoadley, Seth Thomas, and Chauncey Jerome. Harland was an expert from London and had a hand in training a goodly number of American apprentices, among whom the elder Terry was one. The career of the latter man reads like a fairy tale.

The report of the committee showed that Chauncey M. Depew, a member of the United States Senate, was paid $20,000 a year for legal services, without his rendering any return that seemed to warrant the payments made. The contributions of the companies to the Republican campaign funds were very heavy $50,000 by one company in 1904.