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"Hush! do not alarm my wife she knows nothing; but I have just heard at Paris, that that he has escaped you know whom I mean?" "I do; he is at hand; send in search of him! I have seen him. Once more I have seen Castruccio Cesarini!" "Woe, woe: all things are clear." SOPHOCLES: Oed. Tyr. 754.

Because I am a writer, why should I affect to be different from other men?" "I see that you are not above the weakness of your countryman Congreve," said Cesarini, "who deemed it finer to be a gentleman than an author." "I always thought that anecdote misconstrued. Congreve had a proper and manly pride, to my judgment, when he expressed a dislike to be visited merely as a raree-show."

"Had a fit, sir the doctors are with him my mistress for my lord can't speak sent me express for you." "Lend me your horse there, just lengthen the stirrups." While the groom was engaged at the saddle, Ferrers turned to Cesarini. "Do nothing rashly," said he; "I would say, if I might, nothing at all, without consulting me; but mind, I rely, at all events, on your promise your oath."

He was yet engaged in this easy task, when Cesarini was announced, and the young brother of the fair Teresa entered his apartment. "I have availed myself soon of your invitation," said the Italian. "I acknowledge the compliment," replied Maltravers, pressing the hand shyly held out to him. "I see you have been writing I thought you were attached to literature.

But the next moment she recalled the warning of Maltravers, and felt as if her punishment had commenced. "You will think and speak more calmly, sir, when we meet again," and so saying, she swept away. Cesarini remained rooted to the spot, with his dark countenance expressing such passions as are rarely seen in the aspects of civilised men.

As Cæsar was out of the way, Vannozza was still able to reckon on the protection of certain powerful friends, especially the Farnese, the Cesarini, and several cardinals. She feared her property would be confiscated, for the title to much of it was questionable.

Maltravers nodded, gave his orders to the careless footman, and the two friends were soon driving through the less known and courtly regions of the giant city. It was then that Maltravers concisely stated to Danvers the fraud that had been practised by Cesarini. "You will go with me now," concluded Maltravers, "to his house.

"You are a poet, Signor," said a soft clear voice beside the soliloquist; and Maltravers started to find that he had had unknowingly a listener in the young Cesarini. "No," said Maltravers; "I cull the flowers, I do not cultivate the soil."

On December 26, 1815, the first day of the carnival season, Rossini produced his opera, "Torvaldo e Dorliska," at the Teatro Argentina, in Rome, and at the same time signed a contract with Cesarini, the impresario of the theatre, to have the first act of a second opera ready on the twentieth day of the following January.

"Then mark me, Cesarini; if to-morrow Lady Florence be worse, I will throw no obstacle in the way of your confession, should you resolve to make it; I will even use that influence which you leave me, to palliate your offence, to win your pardon. And yet to resign your hopes to surrender one so loved to the arms of one so hated it is magnanimous it is noble it is above my standard! Do as you will."