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"'Quis hominum? What sort of a man is he?" "An honest man!" cried Michal, with flashing eyes. "What do you know about it? You only go by his outward appearance. 'Quanta especies sed cerebrum non habet' a handsome face but no brains. 'Non bene casta caro quæ bene pasta caro' Well fed, ill bred. But I have had occasion to learn something about the fellow's inner man.

It is an interesting and most significant fact that paralysis of brain centers caused by alcohol and other stimulants, or by hypnotics and narcotics, proceeds reversely to the order of their development during the processes of evolution. The first to succumb are the brain centers in the frontal lobes of the cerebrum, which control the latest-developed and most-refined human attributes.

These experiments have been made upon the lower animals and the results thus obtained compared with observations made upon injured and imperfectly developed brains in man. The results have led to the conclusion that certain forms of the work of the cerebrum are localized and that some of its parts are concerned in processes different from those of others.

Encephalic lesions, adherence of the pia mater to the cerebrum, mean absolutely nothing in this question. For they are simple resultants, effects derived from a cause which ought to be explained, and which no materialist can explain. It is easy to declare that a disturbance of the cerebral lobes produces assassins and demonomaniacs.

*The Hindbrain* lies beneath the back portion of the cerebrum, and occupies the enlargement at the base of the skull. It forms about one eighth of the entire brain, and is composed of three partsthe cerebellum, the pons, and the bulb. *The Cerebellum* is a flat and somewhat triangular structure with its upper surface fitting into the triangular under surface of the back of the cerebrum.

The brain is a great mass of nerve tissue, and consists of three parts, viz., the Cerebrum or brain proper, which occupies the upper, front, middle and back portion of the skull; the Cerebellum, or "little brain," which fills the lower and back portion of the skull; and the Medulla Oblongata, which Is the broadened commencement of the spinal cord, lying before and in front of the Cerebellum.

'A'. Cerebrum; 'B'. Cerebellum. The former drawing is taken from a cast in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons, the latter from the photograph of the cast of a Chimpanzee's skull, which illustrates the paper by Mr. Marshall 'On the Brain of the Chimpanzee' in the 'Natural History Review' for July, 1861.

Constable ripened fast; he got his reward of golden guineas, and society caught him in its silken mesh. Success came faster than he was able to endure it, and he fell a victim to fatty degeneration of the cerebrum, and died of an acute attack of self-complacency.

The sculptor produces the beautiful statue by chipping away such parts of the marble block as are not needed. Really happy people do not write stories they accumulate adipose tissue and die at the top through fatty degeneration of the cerebrum. A certain disappointment in life, a dissatisfaction with environment, is necessary to stir the imagination to a creative point.

But his oil, all day long and all night too, was swishing in its tanks on the course to Zanzibar. And all the fretted activity of the earth was tributary to his purpose. How like an untrimmed smoky night-candle did my ambition burn! If I chanced to think in thousands it was a strain upon me. My cerebrum must have throbbed itself to pieces upon the addition of another cypher.