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Updated: August 2, 2024

"Yes, monsieur; there they are, on that table." "Very well. Now sit down at the table." "Why?" "Sit down, and answer my questions." "The first man who visited you this evening was M. Jeannin, was he not?" "Yes, M. Jeannin de Castille." "The king's treasurer?" "Yes." "All right. The second was Commander de Jars, and the young man he brought with him was his nephew, the Chevalier de Moranges.

While, with the aid of her chivalrous admirer, the Count of Champagne, and the counsel of a cardinal-legate with whom, by-the-bye, she was accused of being somewhat too familiar Blanche of Castille maintained the rights of the French monarchy against the great vassals of France, she reared her son with the utmost care.

XXVII. Now albeit this translation of the body of the blessed Cid had been made with such honour and reverence, there were many who murmured against it; and Don Pedro Fernandez de Velasco, Duke of Frias, who was then Constable of Castille. and the Municipality of Burgos, sent advice thereof to the Emperor Charles V. who was at that time in Flanders, beseeching him to give order that the tomb of the Cid might be translated back to its former place, and that of Dona Ximena also, which had been removed into the Cloisters of the Monastery.

"Philip Augustus and Isabella of Hainault, Blanche of Castille and Saint Louis, Philippe de Valois, Jean le Bon, Charles V., Charles VI., Charles VII., Charles VIII. and Anne de Bretagne; then François I., Henri III. and Louise de Vaudemont, Catherine de' Medici; Henri IV., who was crowned in this Cathedral, Anne of Austria, Louis XIV., Maria Leczinska, and so many others all the nobility of France; and Ferdinand of Spain, and Léon de Lusignan, the last King of Armenia, and Pierre de Courtenay, Emperor of Constantinople all kneeling like the poor folks of to-day, and like them beseeching Notre Dame de Sous-Terre."

Its situation near the coast, and the strength of its fortress, made Le Crotoy one of the principal places on the sea line, whence stores and war provender could be carried into France. Le Crotoy had fallen into possession of the English through the marriage of Henry III. with Eleanor of Castille, Countess of Ponthieu, of which Crotoy formed a part.

Scarcely had the clash of arms died out after the brave and chivalrous Cortez had burned his ships on the coast of Mexico, subdued the kingdom of Montezuma, and placed it under the crown of Castille, before another Spanish conqueror, the rough, cruel, and treacherous Pizarro, cast his eyes southwards, covetous of new gold countries.

"Commander de Jars, and you, Messire Jeannin de Castille, king's treasurer, you see, my gentles, that besides the advantage of arms which strike swiftly and surely, I have the further advantage of knowing who you are, whilst I am myself unknown, you will carry the wounded man into this house, into which I will not enter, for I have nothing to do within; but I shall remain here; to await your return.

XX. Eighty and six years after the death of the Cid Campeador, that is to say, in the year of the Era 1223, which is the year of the Incarnation 1185, it came to pass, that there was war between the Kings of Leon and Navarre on the one part, and the King of Castille on the other, notwithstanding this King Don Sancho of Navarre was uncle to the King of Castille, being his mother's brother.

When the nails are disposed to break, a little oil or cold cream should be applied at night. Sand-balls are excellent for removing hardness of the hands. Palm soap, Castille soap, and those which are the least perfumed, should always be preferred.

Castille! and charged the main body so fiercely that by fine force he broke them; and when they were thus broken, the Castillians began cruelly to slay them, so that King Don Sancho had pity thereof, and called out unto his people not to kill them, for they were Christians.

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