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"Carson'll be ravin' today for forgettin' his pipe. He must have left it layin' on the table this mornin' him bein' in such a rush to get down, to the explosion." "It's Carson's, eh?" Corrigan surveyed it with casual interest. "Well," after taking a few puffs " I'll say for Carson that he knows how to take care of it." He left shortly afterward, laying the pipe on the table where he had found it.

He found that the general effect was considerably obscured by the number of people at the counters and in the aisles, more, it seemed to him, than he had ever seen there before. His second observation was that the class of shoppers seemed particularly good, and he tried to recall the special feature of Carson's advertisement of the evening before.

We often debated, and on one occasion I attained to the honor of being called upon to preside over the session. Another memorable evening is that in which I read with what seemed to me distinguished success Joaquin Miller's magnificent new poem, Kit Carson's Ride and in the splendid roar and trample of its lines discovered a new and powerful American poet. His spirit appealed to me.

The Radical Press, of course, rang all the changes of angry vituperation, especially those papers which had been prominent in ridiculing "Ulster bluff" and "King Carson's wooden guns"; and they now speculated as to whether Carson could be "convicted of complicity" in what Mr. Asquith in the House of Commons described as "this grave and unprecedented outrage."

But this conduct can no longer be endured. If it is continued, I shall be under the necessity of shooting you." There was almost a magic power in Kit Carson's calmness. He had a piercing eye, before whose glance many would quail. There was an indescribable something in his soft words, which indicated that they came from a lion-like heart.

At the first they were not, strictly speaking, in opposition at all to, but rather complementary of, the politicians; but the first moment that Carson's followers began to arm, ostensibly against them both, there arose a general cry from Nationalist Sinn Feiner and Gaelic Leaguer alike, to take measures for self-defence, which gradually grew into a volunteer organization on the lines already in force in Ulster.

Carson and two Companions set out on a Trapping Expedition of Their Own They Meet With Great Success Is Engaged by Captain Lee Carson's Pursuit of an Indian Thief. Kit Carson finally grew tired of wandering over the country without gaining sight of a beaver. He proposed to two of his companions that they start on a private expedition of their own.

The first ball pitched to Spark happened to be just where he wanted it. He met it squarely and drove it Over Carson's head in right field. It was a clean three-bagger, and three runs came in. "Well, I think that will about do for you, Hans," said Frank. "Come in here, Gallup, if you want to show what you can do." Ephraim promptly accepted the invitation and came galloping in from the field.

At nightfall they all departed, as silently as shadows, leaving us in full possession of the spring of water. Recollections of Mountain Life. Position of The Spring. The Cachè. Kit Carson's Character and Appearance. Cool Bravery of a Mountain Trapper. Untamed Character of Many Hunters. The Surveyor's Camp in an Indian Territory. Terrors from Indians. Joe Walker. A Mountain Man. Soda Lake.

As he drove away he was thinking, "Carson's a success; I'm not. Odd thing, that I should find myself envying a chap whose place I couldn't be hired to take.