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Bird admiringly. "Load that gun while I get Feodrovna, Carnesy. We'll get away safely yet." The truck rolled up to the plane and stopped. While Carnes transferred the prisoner and the guns to the plane, the lieutenant and Dr. Bird ripped up the floor boards of the truck and exposed the battery. It was a matter of moments to detach it and carry it to the plane.

We are not even tied to a bell rope here." "You will get discipline enough as soon as the crew are organized." "I suppose we shall. Do you think we shall go to sea to-morrow?" "Go to sea to-morrow!" exclaimed Carnes. "Shuffles said so." "How can we go to sea to-morrow? The crew don't know the mainmast from a handspike. They couldn't do anything with the ship now; they don't know the ropes."

Bird addressed to her but quickly and silently put their food on the table. When she had completed her task, she left the room without having spoken a word. "Beautiful, but dumb," Dr. Bird remarked. "Let's eat." "Do you suppose that it's safe to eat this food, Doctor?" asked Carnes in a whisper. "I don't know, and I don't care. If we've got to go out, we might as well be poisoned as shot.

"Quick, Carnes, your belt," he cried. "Tie her up. She meant to go down that tunnel and give her life to delay them while we escaped. We'll save her in spite of herself." Carnes and McCready quickly bound the struggling girl with their belts. They laid her on the ground beside the door and watched the oncoming lights. "You two hold them back for the present," said the doctor.

He whispered the word to the Salem owner, who sent him back in the schooner Rajah with only four guns and ten men. Eighteen months later, Jonathan Carnes returned to Salem with a cargo of pepper in bulk, the first direct importation, and cleared seven hundred per cent on the voyage.

"We're all right here except for the fact that they may rush us under cover of the fire," said the doctor. "One man will have to keep watch all the time and it will be a dangerous detail. I'll take the first hitch." "You will not!" exclaimed Carnes emphatically. "I have done nothing so far and I am the least important member of the party. I'll do the watching."

"But Carnes is out of the way now, and your chance is better this year than it was last," suggested Monroe. "I know that, but I can't think of straining every nerve for three months, two of them while we are going from port to port in Europe.

Et quoniam per cattos capi non possunt, capiuntur per canes maiores. Corpora mortuoram non sepeliuntur ibi, nec cadauera quaelibet bestiarum operiuntur, quod ad aeris aestum carnes in breui tempore consumuntur, nam et tota insula consistit sub zona torrida.

"You must attend to your main and mizzen topsails Mr. Pelham," said the principal, in a low tone. "Man the fore and main braces!" said the executive officer; and the young seamen sprang to their stations. "Let go and haul!" The main and the mizzen topsails were thus trimmed, so that they took the wind. "That was very well done, Captain Carnes, though your crew need more practice.

"I don't want to wait any longer," added Wilton. "What are you talking about, fellows?" asked Shuffles, joining them, as they walked forward. "Didn't you say we were going to sea to-morrow, Shuffles?" asked Wilton. "Of course we are." "Who says so?" demanded Carnes. "All the fellows say so." "It can't be true." "Why not? We are not going to stay here forever."