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This new practice spread quickly and several councils recommended or ordered the usage e.g., the Council of Agde In 506 A.D. Remarks. The Capitulum is said always except from Holy Thursday to the Vespers of Saturday preceding Low Sunday, and in Requiem Offices. In Compline it is said after the Hymn.

Ursus made a proper bow that is to say, bowed to the ground; and knowing that bears are charmed by honey, and doctors by Latin, he said, keeping his body still bent respectfully, "Tres faciunt capitulum!" Each of the three doctors had before him a bundle of papers, of which he was turning the leaves. Minos began. "You speak in public?" "Yes," replied Ursus. "By what right?" "I am a philosopher."

Some authors hold that this usage of reading a brief extract from Sacred Scripture is of Jewish origin. For, the Jews were accustomed to interpose brief readings from Scripture prose in their psalm chanting service. The capitulum is found in Christian services of the fourth century; and St.

This Hour is recited after None and before Compline. In structure, it resembles Lauds, Pater Noster, Ave, Gloria, Five Psalms with antiphons, Capitulum, Hymn, Versicle, antiphon, Magnificat, antiphon and collect. It had several synonymous names.

During the recital of this little lesson all turn to the altar through respect for Christ, figured by the Capitulum. Sometimes the words of the Capitulum are from the Itala version and not from the Vulgate. Psalms and Canticles of Lauds.

Whereupon the body of the army marched forward towards a pass or ford called the Gue de Vede, except seven companies of foot and two hundred lancers, who, staying there, broke down the walls of the close, to waste, spoil, and make havoc of all the vines and vintage within that place. Nevertheless, at all adventures they rang the bells ad capitulum capitulantes.

From the first Vespers of the feast of the Most Hoiy Trinity to the None of the Saturday before Advent, the Salve Regina is said. The authorship was assigned to St. But scholars reject this theory. In 1220 the general chapter of Cluny ordered its daily chanting before the high altar, after the Capitulum.

Lectio brevis, which in feast offices is the Capitulum from None. 19. Benedicite, Deus; Domine nos pace, Amen. To the lectio brevis at Prime, Tu autem Domine, miserere nobis, is added. The Athanasian Creed. In the Roman Breviary prior to the reform of 1911, the title given to the formula of faith was Symbolum S. Athanasi. In the new Breviaries the title stands Symbolum Athanasianum.

At Prime, and at the small Hours, Terce, Sext, None, only one antiphon is said. It is said in full at the end of the last Psalm in each Hour. The Capitulum, the little Responsory, Christe, Fili Dei vivi ... is then said. In this responsory the versicle Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris is sometimes changed, e.g., in paschal time it is, Qui surrexisti a mortuis.

It consists of Pater Noster, Ave, Deus in adjutorium, Gloria Patri ... Sicut erat ... Amen, Alleluia, Hymn, opening words of the antiphon, the three psalms, antiphon in full, capitulum, response, Dominus vobiscum, Et cum spiritu tuo, Oremus, collect, Dominus vobiscum, Et cum spiritu tuo, Benedicamus ... Deo gratias, Fidelium animae.... Amen.