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Updated: August 21, 2024

Yet they will offer you nothing but statements of what is being rumoured! Nor does Gregorovius confine himself to that in his sedulous following of Capello's Relation. He serves up out of Capello the lying story of the murder of Pedro Caldes.

You know, Babache, besides my own indignation at his shameful breach of hospitality, I had Mademoiselle Capello's injuries to avenge. So I went up to Jacques Haret and said: 'Rascal, where is Lisa Embden? "'God knows, says he, 'but what is your interest in Lisa Embden, the niece of a servant, and little more than a servant herself? "'This much, I replied.

To turn for a moment to the Florentine ambassador's letters upon the subject, we find in this other Capello Francesco Capello was his name accounts which differ alike from Paolo Capello's and from Burchard' stories.

At the idea of being charged with Mademoiselle Capello's safety, he looked as if he had just come into a great estate. Count Saxe then gave him a pocket map, and took him within to give him a considerable sum of money. When they were gone, I heard a soft voice behind me whispering my name, and, turning, I saw Francezka's fair face at a lower window, near to me.

I would as soon have Voltaire in London as in Paris sooner at Constantinople than either." I went then to see if the coach was ready, and soon we were rolling along toward the Marais. My head was busy with our expedition to Courland, but it did not make me forget for one moment the soft splendor of Mademoiselle Capello's eyes, nor Gaston Cheverny's hurt.

In none of the numerous despatches of the day is this suspicion mentioned, although in a private letter of Malipiero's, dated Rome, June 17, 1497, and in one of Polo Capello's reports, allusion is made to the "rumor" regarding the criminal relations of Don Giovanni and his sister.

A more mischievous document than Capello's Relazione can seldom have found its way into the pages of history; it is the prime source of several of the unsubstantiated accusations against Cesare Borgia upon which subsequent writers have drawn accepting without criticism and from which they have formed their conclusions as to the duke's character.

Revenge, as well as all the other elemental passions, was a part of Francezka Capello's nature. Madame Riano, Gaston said, was the same Madame Riano, but a late fantasy of hers was giving Mademoiselle Capello some anxiety. Madame Riano had been seized with a raging desire to go to Scotland.

This conclusion, however, it is fair to draw: if, on Capello's evidence, we are to accept it that Cesare Borgia is responsible for the death of Alfonso of Aragon, then, on the same evidence, we must accept the motive as well as the deed.

There are other dogs reckoned more affectionate and intelligent than these Spanish pointers, but I never knew any dumb creature superior to this one, as time strangely proved; for this dog afterward played a great part in the drama of Francezka Capello's life. The dog seemed enraptured with Francezka, and she with him.

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