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"And I to think that she was crazy all the time; escaped from the great asylum a mile away. Sweetest creature, too, I ever saw in my life; and Caleb thought so, too." The speaker brushed a briny drop or two from his eyes with the back of his hand as he spoke; then, smiling archly, asked: "Can you forgive me, miss, for belying you so, even in thought?

Besides the surveyor himself, who was then a prominent citizen of Haverhill, on the Merrimac, and his son of the same name, then nineteen years old, the party consisted of Caleb Swan, Benjamin Smith, Zachariah Hildrith, Ebenezer Shaw and William Richardson.

They are not sufficiently curved to enable the grizzly bear to climb trees, like the black and brown bears; and this inability on their part is often the only hope of the pursued hunter, who, if he succeeds in ascending a tree, is safe, for the time at least, from the bear's assaults. But "Caleb" is a patient creature, and will often wait at the foot of the tree for many hours for his victim.

But Mary had felt sure that her parents would want to see her, and if her father had not come, she would have obtained leave to go home for an hour or two the next day. After discussing prices during tea with Mr. Featherstone Caleb rose to bid him good-by, and said, "I want to speak to you, Mary."

"Why, it was his father's string," said Caleb, eagerly, looking up into Dwight's face. "What did he have a string for?" said David. "Why to lead him along by," said Caleb. "Yes but why did not he take hold of his father's hand?" asked Dwight. "Why, why, there was a snake in the road, I believe, wasn't there, grandmother?"

Quarrel there was none, nor any shadow of enmity; but the Dabneys were lords of the soil, and the Gordons were craftsmen. Even in war the distinction was maintained. The Dabneys, father and son, were officers, having their commissions at the enrolment; while Caleb Gordon, whose name headed the list of the Paradise volunteers, began and ended a private in the ranks.

Then Caleb went on rocking, and the voices died away. Presently, they came nearer again. The boys seemed to be passing down in front of the house, with a wheelbarrow, towards the water. "Grandmother," said Caleb, stopping again, "what do you suppose the boys are doing?" "I don't know," said she, "should not you like to go and see? You can play with them half an hour before dinner, if you please."

Garth, imagining that her husband had been touched on his sensitive point, and not been allowed to do what he thought right as to materials and modes of work. "Oh," said Caleb, bowing his head and waving his hand gravely. And Mrs. Garth knew that this was a sign of his not intending to speak further on the subject.

There was a subdued tenderness which there was no resisting in the revelation to the blind girl, Bertha, of the illusions in which she had been lapped for years by her sorcerer of a lather, poor little Caleb, the toy-maker. The one inconsistent person in the whole story, it must be admitted, was Tackleton, who turned out at the very end to be rather a good fellow than otherwise.

In the regiment of which Cleaveland was chaplain there was a young surgeon from Danvers, Dr. Caleb Rea, who also kept a copious diary, and, being of a serious turn, listened with edification to the prayers and exhortations to which the yeoman soldiery were daily summoned.