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As if in supplementary and conclusive justification of those words, Dickens, within less than five years afterwards, had woven his graceful and pathetic fancies about the homely joys and sorrows of Bob Cratchit, of Toby Veck, and of Caleb Plummer, of a little Clerk, a little Ticket-porter, and a little Toy-maker.

There was a subdued tenderness which there was no resisting in the revelation to the blind girl, Bertha, of the illusions in which she had been lapped for years by her sorcerer of a lather, poor little Caleb, the toy-maker. The one inconsistent person in the whole story, it must be admitted, was Tackleton, who turned out at the very end to be rather a good fellow than otherwise.

May I have her too?" "Why, I suppose so," said her father. "If she doesn't cost too much." "Him allee same cost like soldier doll," explained the Toy-maker. "Very well," said Dorothy's father, "we'll take him too," and he gave the Toy-maker the money.

To his delight he found his old friend, the Master Woodsman, seated in the circle of Nymphs. Ak listened to the story of the night journey to the children and of the great assistance the deer had been to Claus by drawing his sledge over the frozen snow. "I do not wish my friends to be punished if I can save them," said the toy-maker, when he had finished the relation.

Oh, if she could only talk to little Dorothy and beg her to take the Villain and Jackie Tar; but this she could not do so she prayed to the Fairies instead and at once her prayer was heard; for the Toy-maker, who had a very good business head on his shoulders, ran to the door as Dorothy and her parents were going out and called to them: "Little girl want nice Pirate and Sailor feller?

"Dorothy wants a doll, John," said the little girl's mother. "Very well," said John, and turning to the Toy-maker said: "You sell doll?" "Me sell him very plenty doll," answered the Toy-maker. "How much for this one?" asked the man, picking up a little Japanese doll.

In the scene between the old toy-maker and his blind daughter, when the father discovers the dreadful result of his dissimulation an awkward hitch; and, the climax quite thwarted, the curtain came down. I was standing at the wings. "Did you see that?" he said as he brushed by me, going to his dressing-room. "No," said I, following him. "What was it?"

By this time the four had been laid upon the floor, and the Japanese dolls had started a great clatter of talk. The little girl picked up Sweetclover and was smoothing out her ruffled dress when the Toy-maker took up a pair of scissors and grabbed up Kernel Cob, before he could draw his sword.

In this way, although I was so left-handed a toy-maker, I made out to be rather a successful merchant; and found means to procure many little delicacies and alleviations, such as children or prisoners desire. I am scarcely drawing the portrait of a very melancholy man. It is not indeed my character; and I had, in a comparison with my comrades, many reasons for content.

And in case my compliments should miss their aim, I was always ready to cover my retreat with some agreeable pleasantry, which would often earn me the name of an 'oddity' or a 'droll fellow. In this way, although I was so left-handed a toy-maker, I made out to be rather a successful merchant; and found means to procure many little delicacies and alleviations, such as children or prisoners desire.