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Updated: August 28, 2024

We must dismount, leaving one man in every ten to hold the horses, signal to Colonel Talbot that help has come, and then attack on foot." A bugler advanced on horseback at Stuart's command, blew a long and thrilling call, and then another man beside him broke out an immense Confederate flag. "They see us in the fort and recognize us," said Stuart. "Hark to the cheer!"

At this time there was a great danger of a gas attack, and it was customary to have a bugler on duty in the front line to sound the alarm when gas was seen coming over a scheme which was scarcely likely to be efficacious, for in a few moments he would have been gassed himself.

Some of the men moistened their lips, one or two uttered a little sigh, the hearts of all beat faster. The step had quickened. The trees grew more thinly, came down to a mere bordering fringe of sumach. Cleave motioned to the bugler; the latter raised the bugle to his lips. Forward! Commence Firing!

"Storm begin noon and last three days," was the brief answer, as the red man walked away. "That settles it," said Rolf; "we wait." Van was surprised, and all the more so when in an hour the sky grew black and heavy rain set in, with squalls. "How in the name of Belshazzar's weather bugler does he tell?" "I guess you better not ask him, if you want to know. I'll find out and tell you later."

To celebrate the reconciliation which followed this scene, Francis and I contributed three francs each, and it was arranged that the bugler with the aid of his comrades should try to slip out of the hospital and bring back some meat and wine.

But I was never there." "You came out on the veranda and pelted me with roses. There were others there officers and their wives. Everybody was laughing." "Yes but I was not there, Phil. . . . Who who was the tall, thin bugler who sounded taps?" "Corrigan." "And the little, girl-shaped, brown men?" "My constabulary." "I can't recollect," she said listlessly, laying the doll against her breast.

When an officer and a bugler went forward to receive them they threw down the flag and immediately opened fire with the rifles which they were then seen to be dragging behind them." Taylor, 48 HS.

Even the bugler sounded the "general" of his own accord; and the mules, now become painfully intelligent, walked as if they knew themselves to be walking homewards. Our last stage lay over the upper skirts of the maritime plain which has already been noticed.

Down with him!" without knowing whose fall they desired. And here are the carabinieri's big hats again, and the policemen. In vain the six protest, shouting themselves hoarse; the yells of "Down with him!" and "Death to him!" drown their voices. A delegato orders the bugler to sound the "disperse." At the third blast there is a general stampede.

The Flying Fish trembled in her every timber, and began to slide slowly backward from the treacherous shoal. "Safe, by the great horn spoon!" roared the captain, fetching Andy Bowles a slap on the back that almost toppled the small bugler into the water. "For a time," said Rob quietly, "come ahead a bit, Merritt." Slowly the little vessel slid ahead once more.

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