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Updated: August 29, 2024

The estate which has been the home of Major Buckley's forefathers for generations no longer providing a competence, he has resolutely left it for the land where he is to find 'a new heaven and a new earth. Unlike so many of the pioneers, he has bade a final good-bye to England, but that it is not 'for ever' one can safely predict from the outset.

That's quite close to foolhardiness when you are dealing with horse-thieves and fence-cutters who would ambush you any night, and shoot you in the back if they could. Buckley's too full of sand. He'll play Horatius and hold the bridge once too often some day." "I'm on there," drawled the Kid; "I mind that bridge gang in the reader.

We worked our way by degrees up the Snowy River, by Buchan and Galantapee, and gradually made towards Balooka and Buckley's Crossing. On the way we crossed some of the roughest country we had ever seen or ridden over. 'My word, Dick, said Jim one day, as we were walking along and leading our horses, 'we could find a place here if we were hard pushed near as good for hiding in as the Hollow.

"Well, then," continued Jack, "you can't help yourself, for I've left the bag under your own pillow in the tent!" Buckley's reply was checked by a shout from Captain Samson. They had reached the parting point a clump of trees on an eminence that overlooked a long stretch of undulating park-like region. Here they dismounted to shake hands and say farewell.

Alvarita, still seated within her vine, leaned forward above the breast-high chaparral. One hand was laid across her bosom. One great dark braid curved forward over her shoulder. Her lips were parted; her face was lit with what seemed but wonder great and absolute wonder. Her eyes lingered upon Buckley's. Let no one ask or presume to tell through what subtle medium the miracle was performed.

Sir Frederick Hamilton called to him the five troopers who had first fired upon the monks and said, 'Mount quickly, and ride through the woods towards the mountain, and get before these men, and kill them. In a moment the troopers were gone, and before many moments they had splashed across the river at what is now called Buckley's Ford, and plunged into the woods.

He hasn't his energy or determination. Why, if my father had been in his place, and such an ill-looking young dog as that came hanging about the premises, my father would have laid his stick about his back. And it would be a good thing if somebody would do it now." Such was Major Buckley's opinion. "My dear," said old Miss Thornton, that evening, "I have consulted Mrs.

On going to widow Buckley's, he learned after some trouble in identifying himself that she had several visits from Sir Robert and his men, at all hours, both by night and day.

I rode over from Buckley's, and when I came to the door Donovan took me by the arm, and saying 'whist, led me into the sitting-room. There, in front of the empty fireplace, crouched down on the floor, bareheaded, with her beautiful hair hanging about her shoulders, sat Miss Burke.

A half sarcastic smile flitted over Buckley's face as he said, "You didn't use to be a preacher, Jack; what makes you now so keen to save me, as you call it?" "I'm not sure what it is that makes me anxious now," replied Jack, "but I know what made me anxious at first. It was your poor brother Daniel.

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