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It was considered quite a novelty by some. But a few months later, in the same term, Bro. Briney came in. He and his wife boarded at the college. A few years later Bro. George Bersot and wife came, and married school-boys got to be quite common. While attending school, I preached once a month for the old church at home Pleasant Hill.

"Well, Briney," said she, turning abruptly to the son, "don't take patthern by that man, if you expect to do any good; let him be a warning to you to mind yer duty, and respect yer clargy and prepare yerself, now that I think of it, to go to Father Philemy or Father Con on Thursday: but don't be said or led by that man, for I'm sure I dunna how he intends to face the Man above when he laves this world and to keep from his duty, and to spake of his clargy as he does!"

* I have no hesitation in asserting that the bulk of the uneducated peasantry really believe that the priests have this power. "To tell you the thruth, Phaddhy, I would rather he wouldn't examine me this bout, at all at all." "Ay, but you know we couldn't go agin him, Briney, bekase he promised to get you into the college. Will you speak some Latin, now till I hear you?" "Hem!

Reg is always sappy when they're seventeen. And she's been looking moon-eyed at him for days." Well, the Pattens went away, and Mrs. Beecher manacured her Nails, I could hear her fileing them and sang around and was not much concerned, although for all she knew he was in the briney deep, a corpse. How true it is that "the paths of glory lead but to the grave."

"On Thursday, in Phaddhy Sheemus Phaddhy's of the Esker. Are you there, Phaddhy?" "Wid the help of God, I'm here, sir." "Well, Phaddhy, how is yer son Briney, that's at the Latin? I hope he's coming on well at it." "Why, sir, he's not more nor a year and a half at it yet, and he's got more books amost nor he can carry; he'll break me buying books for him."

And so, Captain, " said he, resuming the conversation with Captain Wilson for his notice of Briney was only parenthetical. Father Con now took the book, which was AEsop's Fables, and, in accordance with Briney's intention, it opened exactly at the favorite fable of Gallus Gallinacexis.

He's not very far in his Latin yet, sir but his master tells me that he hasn't the likes of him in the school for brightness Briney, will you come over, I say; come over, sarrah, and spake to the gintleman, and him wants to shake hands wid you come up, man, what are you afeard of? sure Father Con's not going to examine you now."

Phaddhy's sagacity, however, was correct; for, a short time after this conversation, Father Philemy, when collecting his oats, gave him a call, laughed heartily at the sham account of Katty's death, examined young Briney in his Latin, who was called after his uncle, pronounced him very cute, and likely to become a great scholar promised his interest with the bishop to get him into Maynooth, and left the family, after having shaken hands with, and stroked down the heads of all the children.

The day was a fine one, and the violence of the sea had greatly subsided during the night, their shack had suffered not at all from the slight shock in the darkness. "Now for a dip in old Briney," the lad added, as he walked down to the surf, "I think it will make me feel better." "I'm with you," added Mr. Fenwick, and Mr. Damon also joined the bathers.

"Haven't you got one of them for the church, Phaddhy?" "Yes, your Reverence, there's one of them that I hope will live to have the robes upon him Come over, Briney, and speak to Father Con.