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Updated: August 2, 2024

"Well, Briney," said Phaddy, as the father and son returned home, cheek by jowl from the chapel, "I suppose Father Philemy will go very deep in the Latin wid ye on Thursday; do ye think ye'll be able to answer him?" "Why, Phaddhy," replied Briney, "how could I be able to answer a clargy? doesn't he know all the languages, and I'm only in the Fibulae AEsiopii yet."

Carse could not detect any sign of the asteroid, but he remained for a little while at the eyepiece, staring at Satellite III. There it lay, a diminishing globe, three-quarters of it gleaming in the light flung by Jupiter. Dark patches mottled it: they would be the jungles. And there was the scintillant sheet that was the Great Briney Lake, with Port o' Porno nearby.

I saw their horses hanging up outside as I came through. And Briney Donohoe told me " "What do you think, Carew?" said Charlie, cutting Briney Donohoe off again. "Don't you think that old fellow was telling the truth when he said he married Peggy?" "Sure he was," said the Englishman. "Never saw a fellow in such a funk in my life." "What about Peggy?" said Pinnock. "How did she take it?"

Hugh sat in an armchair by the window, smoking and dreaming. Poss's voice cut knife-like through a cloud of tobacco smoke. He spoke as one on the defensive. "Well, I believe there's something in it, anyhow. Briney Donohoe told me " Charlie Cordon's cold drawl interrupted the youth. "It's all rot," he said. "Briney Donohoe told you what does he know about it?

"Here, Briney," said Father Philemy, handing him his tumbler, "take a pull of this and if you have any courage at all in you it will raise it; take a good pull." Briney hesitated. "Why, but you take the glass out of his Reverence's hand, sarrah," said the father "what! is it without dhrinking his Reverence's health first?"

"Silence there below!" said Phaddhy to those at the lower end of the table, who were now talkative enough; "will yez whisht there till Father Con hears Briney a lesson in his Latin. Where are you, Briney? come here, ma bouchal." But Briney had absconded when he saw that the tug of war was about to commence.

From this point, which usually wound up these colloquies between the father and son, the conversation generally diverged into the more spacious fields of science; so that by the time they reached home, Briney had probably given the father a learned dissertation upon the elevation of the clouds above the earth, and told him within how many thousand miles they approached it, at their nearest point of approximation.

Doctor Russell was my teacher in Latin and the Sciences, and Prof. Henry Giltner in Mathematics and Greek. The Doctor was a fine moralist, but an unbeliever. He was a fine teacher, and very popular with the boys. In the public debates in our society, Bro. J. B. Briney and I were always pitted against each other. We were the oldest and the nearest equal in our advancement, especially in this line.

"One bird pickin', two men thrashin'; one bird pickin', two men thrashin'; one bird pickin' " "Sir, they're stickn' pins in me, here." "Who is, Briney?" "I don't know, sir, they're all at it." "Boys, I'll go down to yez." * In the hedge schools it was usual for the unfortunate culprit about to be punished to avail himself of all possible stratagems that were calculated to diminish his punishment.

"Well, I'll tell you what I'm thinking I'll be apt to do, Phaddhy, when I'm a clargy." "And what is that, Briney?" "Why, I'll but, Phaddhy,don't be talking of this, bekase, if it should come to be known, I might get my brains knocked out by some of the heretics." "Never fear, Briney, there's no danger of that but what is it?"

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