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Here were pickets far out-lying, and a double line of skirmishers deployed in extended order, and a mounted reserve, and men standing to horse a command of near a hundred, a pudding of pompous, incompetent, callow bosh, with Augustus by his howitzer, scientifically raising and lowering it to bear on the lone white tepee that shone in the plain.

"It won't be difficult," he went on; "not near as tough as that case you won for me. You can bring in all the bosh about his claiming to be an author, you know. And I'll stand expenses." This was downright generous of Mr. Cooke.

"I always did admire you more than anybody else could; but, good Lord! everybody must have eyes." "I'm afraid so," said Charity. "But you're the only one that has imagination about me." "Bosh!" "My husband can't see me at all." "Oh, him!" Jim growled. "What's he up to now?" "I don't know," said Charity. "I hardly ever see him. He's chucked me for good."

If an electrician came to us to light our house, and the lights would not burn, we would not immediately condemn all electric lighting as bosh and nonsense, or as sentimental theory; we should know, of course, that this especial electrician did not understand his business, and would at once look about to find a man who did, and get him to put our lights in order.

All that bohemian nonsense about pure love, love free from law and restraint, love that scoffs at society and its customs, sufficient unto itself and despising public opinion, that was just bosh, the humbug of poets, musicians and dancers a set of outcasts like that woman who was taking him away, cutting him off forever from all the ties that bound him to family and country!

He could not go back from his own involuntary recognition, nor could I pretend to doubt what I believe is true." "Pooh! that is high-flown bosh. You need not say what you do or do not believe. All you have to do is to throw the onus of proof on this fellow." "It is all too dreadful," said Mrs. Ormonde, in tearful tones.

"Negro like," he said, as he went on his way. "They are all talk. I was raised among them, heard them talk before, but it amounted to nothing. I'm against any scheme to do them harm, for there's no harm in them. This Negro domination talk is all bosh."

"And the Lady in the Mask?" asked Merrihew, as they at length stood up, preparatory to going down-stairs. "I must relegate her to the fog she came out of. But it would be a frightful thing if if " He hesitated to form the words. But Merrihew had no such scruple. "If the silver and plate were missing when the Sandfords return?" "Oh, bosh! It's all some joke, and I'm the butt of it.

"That's what's the matter with you," said Simeon; "you think too much. The two o'clock law was altered years ago. Had anything to eat?" He was helping Arthur with buttons. "No." "I expected not. Here! Swallow this whisky." "Not I!" Arthur protested in a startled tone. "Why not?" "Because I shall have to kiss her after the ceremony." "Bosh!" said Simeon. "Drink it.

"Garden Spot bonds! Bosh! Road begins nowhere and ends nowhere. If any set of fools built it, the only freight it would get, outside of peanuts and sweet potatoes, would be razor-back hogs and niggers. I wouldn't give a yellow dog for enough of those securities to paper a church." The colonel was on his feet in an instant. "Mr.