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"This we know, Bosambo," said Iberi, looking askance at the size of Bosambo's retinue, "and my stomach is proud that you bring so vast an army of high men to us, for I see that you have brought rich food for them." He saw nothing of the sort, but he wanted things made plain at the beginning.

In a sense he had absconded from his trust, and he did not doubt that Sanders had made all men acquainted with the suddenness and the suspicious character of his disappearance. And the first words of His Excellency the Administrator confirmed all Bosambo's worst fears. "O! chief," said Sir Robert with a little twinkle in his eye, "are you so fearful of your people that you run away from them?"

This is the history, or the beginning of the history, of the straight road which cuts through the heart of the Ochori country from the edge of the river by the cataracts, even to the mountains of the great King, a road famous throughout Africa and imperishably associated with Bosambo's name this by the way.

"Efobi of the Isisi has stolen goats, and because he is the brother of the chief's wife goes unpunished; T'mara of the Akasava has put a curse upon the wife of O'femo the headman, and she has burnt his hut; N'kema of the Ochori will not pay his tax, saying that he is no Ochori man, but a true N'gombi; Bosambo's men have beaten a woodman of B'limi Saka, because he planted trees on Ochori land; the well folk are on the edge of the N'gomb forest, building huts and singing "

Hamilton saw the canoe drift round, saw the flashing paddles dip regularly, and the chant of the Ochori boat song came fainter and fainter as Bosambo's state canoe began its long journey northward. Hamilton reached headquarters with a temperature of 105, and declined Bones' well-meant offers to look after him.

The surprise party had been well planned. A speared sentry lay twisting before the chief's hut, and Bosambo's face was smothered in blood. Bones took in the situation. "Fire on the men who fly to the forest," he said, but Bosambo laid a shaking hand upon his arm. "Lord," he said, "hold your fire, for they have taken the children, and I fear the woman my wife is stricken."

A bugle call brought the Houssas into line and the tapping of Bosambo's drums assembled his warriors. Within half an hour of the receipt of the message Hamilton's force was on the move. They crossed the great stretch of meadow in the darkness and were climbing up towards the forest when a noise like thunder broke upon their ears.

He had been ready to bolt, understanding something of Bosambo's dexterity with a stick and fearing that the chief would loose upon him the vengeance his father had called down upon his own hoary head.

He arrived in time to cover the shattered remnants of Bosambo's fleet as they were being swept northward from whence they came. Bones went inshore to the island, the water jacket of a Maxim gun exposed over the bow, but there was no opposition.

All these matters might be told in great detail with no particular credit to the subject of the monograph. In course of time he came to the Ochori land and was welcomed by Notiki, who had taken upon himself, on the strength of his rout, the position of chieftainship. This he did with one eye on the river, ready to bolt the moment Bosambo's canoe came sweeping round the bend.