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It is almost incredible, but the absurd sum of twelve hundred pounds would have settled the whole question. Is it not pitiful? And here I find you, a man of sense, boggling about terms, when your client's future and honour are at stake. You surprise me, Mr. Holmes." "What I say is true," Holmes answered. "The money cannot be found.

Then he would sing again, and translate to me pieces of the song, with a great deal of boggling and much expressed contempt against the English language. "It says here," he would say, "that the sun is gone down, and the battle is at an end, and the brave chiefs are defeated.

Some boggling was made to this proposal, it never having been the use and wont of the corporation, in time past, to do any thing by contract, but just to put whatever was required into the hands of one of the council, who got the work done in the best way he could; by which loose manner of administration great abuses were often allowed to pass unreproved.

"If the head of Lee's army is at Martinsburg," Lincoln wrote Hooker, "and the tail of it on the Plank road, between Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, the animal must be very slim somewhere could you not break him?" But Hooker could not. He did not even try. Lee's movements seemed to paralyze him his chief of staff wrote: "We cannot go boggling round, until we know what we are going after."

Do not tell me of It cannot, and It can. It has been done before, and it shall be done again. Let him dispute it that dares! I will do it now and stand to it afterwards. Tell Swineard, if he make the least boggling, it is as much as his life is worth; he shall starve by inches." "Pray, your honour, think better of it. Upon my life, the whole country will cry shame of it." "Barnes!

'Did you suppose I meant eighteen months? 'Only eighteen years, he muttered, 'a mere baby, in short; and yet he has hit upon what we Shakespearians have been boggling over for many year? the symbolical meaning involved in Hamlet's name. Henry, I prophesy great things for you. An intimacy was cemented between us at once.

And I went over each detail of our last night's talk, from her first burst of "Take me with you!" to my boggling answers, my fears, so stupidly expressed, that it would be anything but a picturesque bridal-trip, and the necessity that there was for rapid traveling and much musty, old research. "What a fool I was not to take her then and there! She is myself: why shouldn't I, then, be selfish?

Bulmer fulfilled it without boggling over inconvenient scruples, perhaps; and there was the worst that could with equity be said of him. An impoverished gentleman must live somehow, and, deuce take it! there must be rather pretty pickings among the broken meats of an Ormskirk. To this effect de Soyecourt moralized one evening as the two sat over their wine. John Bulmer candidly assented.

In that scene, so troubled and feverish, compared with the old Roman days, there had been for her, as she well knew, quite another dominating figure. "Just the same!" she thought angrily. "Just as domineering and provoking. Boggling about Uncle Ewen's name, as if it was not worth his remembering! I shall compel him to be civil to my relations, just because it will annoy him so much."

Sewell preach, as usual, but he found himself wandering far from the sermon, and asking or answering this or that in a talk with those girls that kept going on in his mind. The minister himself seemed to wander, and at times, when Lemuel forced a return to him, he thought he was boggling strangely. For the first time Mr. Sewell's sermon, in his opinion, did not come to much.