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'Good-bye for the present, Miss Bella, said Mrs Boffin, calling out a hearty parting. 'We shall meet again soon! And then I hope I shall have my little John Harmon to show you.

'I suppose, my dear, said Pa after dinner, 'we may come to the conclusion at home, that we have lost you for good? Bella shook her head. Didn't know. Couldn't say. All she was able to report was, that she was most handsomely supplied with everything she could possibly want, and that whenever she hinted at leaving Mr and Mrs Boffin, they wouldn't hear of it.

Mr Boffin, with his face bent over his heavy hand, made no sound, but rolled his shoulders when thus referred to, as if he were vastly enjoying himself. 'And so, my good and pretty, pursued Mrs Boffin, 'you was married, and there was we hid up in the church-organ by this husband of yours; for he wouldn't let us out with it then, as was first meant.

'Now then? said Mr Boffin, stopping short, with his meditations brought to an abrupt check, 'what's the next article? 'I beg your pardon, Mr Boffin. 'My name too, eh? How did you come by it? I don't know you. 'No, sir, you don't know me. Mr Boffin looked full at the man, and the man looked full at him.

Boffin thoughtfully, "haven't you been a little strict with Mr. Rokesmith to-night? Haven't you been just a little not quite like your own old self?" "Why, old woman, I hope so," said Mr. Boffin cheerfully. "Our old selves wouldn't do here, old lady. Our old selves would be fit for nothing but to be imposed upon. Our old selves weren't people of fortune. Our new selves are.

Here was him as it might be, and here was myself as it might be, and there was you, Mr Boffin, as you identically are, with your self-same stick under your very same arm, and your very same back towards us. To be sure! added Mr Wegg, looking a little round Mr Boffin, to take him in the rear, and identify this last extraordinary coincidence, 'your wery self-same back!

Will you repeat it, my dear? Mrs Boffin complied, by reciting the verses in which this obliging offer had been made, exactly as she had received them. "I'll tell thee how the maiden wept, Mrs Boffin, When her true love was slain ma'am, And how her broken spirit slept, Mrs Boffin, And never woke again ma'am. 'Correct to the letter! said Mr Boffin.

'Now, my good dear Betty, said Mrs Boffin, hoping that she saw her opportunity, and laying her hand persuasively on her arm; 'we have come to remove Johnny from this cottage to where he can be taken better care of. Instantly, and before another word could be spoken, the old woman started up with blazing eyes, and rushed at the door with the sick child.

Boffin admitted that John, despairing of winning Bella's heart, and determined that there should be no question of money in the marriage, he was for going away, and that Noddy said he would prove that she loved him. "We was all of us in it, my beauty," Mrs.

I am so sorry for it, I am so unwilling to believe it, I have tried so earnestly not to see it, that it is very hard to tell, even to you. But Mr Boffin is being spoilt by prosperity, and is changing every day. 'My dear Bella, I hope and trust not. 'I have hoped and trusted not too, Pa; but every day he changes for the worse, and for the worse.