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The eggs were a wonderful effort, but, flattered by success, you may poison yourself." "Secondly?" "You must never pass out of my sight without carrying a revolver, not so much for defence, but as a signal. Did you take one when you went bird's-nesting?" "No. Why?" There was a troubled look in his eyes when he answered

Above this leafless forest the gulls were wheeling, and watching to pounce, like a falling stone, on any scraps flung overboard; a sailor boy, fixing a pulley to a cross-beam, looked as if he had gone up there bird's-nesting. "Will you dine with us without any sort of ceremony, just that we may end the day together?" said Mme. Roland to her friend.

But he always had to do what Jack did as a little one, and Jack led him into all sorts of mischief, till one day when they were about ten they went off bird's-nesting along the cliffs High Shale Point way, and only Jack come back late at night to say his brother had gone over the cliff. Dick tore off with some of the chaps from the shore.

I had given them some extraordinary proof of my love for my father. The impression I received was, that sitting was the thing to conjure him to me. 'Where his heart's not concerned, Mrs. Waddy remarked of me flatteringly, 'he's shrewd as a little schoolmaster. 'He've a bird's-nesting eye, said Mrs. Thresher, whose face I was studying.

A writer might have won fame throughout the civilized globe for his trappers and his realistic backwoods, and all went for nothing. If his pemmican were not properly compounded I damned his achievement, and it was heard no more of. Harold was hardly old enough to possess a special subject of his own. He had his instincts, indeed, and at bird's-nesting they almost amounted to prophecy.

"I don't take to Philip," said he, smiling, "for it sounds like a moral boy out of the spelling-book, who was so lazy that he fell into a pond, or so fat that he couldn't see out of his eyes, or so avaricious that he locked up his cake till the mice ate it, or so determined to go a bird's-nesting that he got himself eaten by bears who lived handy in the neighborhood.

However, they were but mere children who went bird's-nesting, stole the garden fruit, tied cooking-pots to dogs' tails, put ink the holy water font, and cow-itch in Modernus' bed. At night, wrapped in white sheets and walking on stilts, they would go into the gardens, and frighten into a swoon the serving-maids belated in their lovers' arms.

However, it wasn't long before he showed what a great spirit there was in him." "Ay," said I, "there is a story I have heard which proved that, when he was merely a child. He and another little fellow had gone away bird's-nesting from his grandmother's house, and he not coming back, the servants were sent to look for him.

Bird's-nesting boys, picnic parties, thousands of people passing! It can't be there! It's a hundred to one against its being there! It's against all reason!" Indeed, he felt it to be impossible more, perhaps, because he could not believe in his own success where so many others had failed. The thing was too easy, therefore it could not be. The hole would be empty.

I went with Brian. That wasn't naughty, was it? the boy asked, innocently. 'Naughty to stay away so long to go so far. Where have you been? 'Bird's-nesting in the woods, and I have got a honey-buzzard's nest two lovely eggs, worth ten shillings apiece the nest is built on the top of a crow's nest, don't you know.